My almost 8 YO son has outgrown his VSmile and we're looking more high-tech. He's been digging my Playstation2 lately, but he's got in mind a handheld. Of course, the "in" thing is the Nintendo DS with his friends, however the PSP is not much more and seems to have a larger screen and better graphics. Of course, the touch screen and interactive microphone of the DS appeals to the younger kids, too. Does anybody have experience with either or both?
My kids have the DS and they love it. They've had them since Christmas 2007. They are 9 and 10½ next month.
I'd probably go the route of the ds as the games can also be played on the wii as well as a multitude of other nitendo platform games. The same can not be said about the least not that I am aware of. Craig
Really?! :hurray: I'ma have to try it! I just spied a slot behind a door in the front! Is that where the games go?? ... I just checked it and the slot is too short. Is it because we have DS "Lite" games. DS1 says it's the SD card slot. whaaaa...
I've got both. If the kid just wants to goof & play games, get the DS. If it is a "tech" kid, get the PSP. I am literally typing this on my PSP. Cant remember the last time I used the DS.