I cried. Went thru 1/2 box of tissues. A real eye opener as to what people who have cancer go thru. I had no idea. Still crying. I hope the end is quick and less painful than it has already been for her.
By the time I got home, I saw the last 30 minutes of it and what i saw got to me. I really wanted to see it too.
Does anyone know if this will be re-played? I tried looking for clips on YouTube but couldn't find any. I missed it last night, but I really wish I could've seen it.
I think I heard it said this morning on NBC that it is suppose to air again on MSNBC tomorrow night at either 6 or 7 PM.
Re-airing Using the TimeWarnerCable guide I found: Oxygen ch 55 5/16 4pm 5/17 1pm MSNBC ch 45 5/17 6pm Bravo ch 72 5/18 11pm 5/19 1am BravoHD ch 259 5/18 11pm 5/19 1am
Thanks for posting this!!! I really did want to watch this and I will make sure I have plenty of tissue!!
I watched it this morning. I recorded it last night and was too tired to watch it then. Now my eyes are puffy from crying through the whole thing! I have to be in a wedding today! I'm sure people will think I'm emotional over the wedding. I was truly amazed at Farrah's strength. I don't know if I could go through all she went through. It makes me count my blessings and get over the petty things that get to me in life. Everyday is a gift - especially everyday being healthy and able to enjoy life. I also felt bad for her dad. I can't imagine losing one child to cancer and then another one gets cancer too. He was right. It's just not supposed to be that way. No one should have to bury his child. I'll be praying for him too.
This is such a sad situation. Makes me want to work even harder to support the efforts to find a cure.
I was watching that last night. This is one courageous lady to tell the whole world about her fight with cancer. To have the world see her at her un prettyness with her bald head, etc. Anyone with any heart will be moved by her & Ryan's conversations. Pray for them as they definitely need them.:cry:
Watching this right now.... No one is going to get me to moce until this is over. It is raining outside, so a good time to sit here and watch this show.
I watched this today and was moved by her courage and fight to live. She has put herself through so much and her courage and determination to live is so inspiring. It makes me look at the little things in my life that I see as a burden and feel very ashamed. Unless there is a miracle she is going to lose her fight with this horrible disease, but her story is going to make such a difference in the lives of so many people. And not to mention the immense love story of her and Ryan. His obvious pure love for her and she for him and the strength that they seem to provide each other is such a wonderful thing to get to witness. I'm so glad that she chose to share this story with the world. It saddens me so much that after everything she has fought through that she does not seem to have been able to beat this thing, but I think she has to know that she did everything she possibly could and it will not be in vain.
You can't help but feel for her. She has been thru so much and her family has been thru so much. Having had family members and a dear friend pass away from cancer, it really made me think about them and wonder what all they went thru, all the time acting so brave and never letting on to how bad they felt or how much pain they were in. God bless her for putting something so personal out there for all of us to see and learn from. I pray that when her time comes, it is peaceful for her.
I saw most of it today, but I'm still puzzled: why Farrah chose to have a treatment at Germany instead of here? How did Farrah found out that she got a cancer? What happened to her mother? I don't see her except pic of her.
They did not offer the treatment in the US. They said they had to do a colostomy here when taking out the tumor whereas Germany said they could remove it without the colostomy. Farrah did not want a colostomy. Farrah's mother died a few years back, if I'm not mistaken. They did have a close relationship. That's all I know of your question.