Cleaning Service Needed

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SavannahAnna, May 14, 2009.

  1. SavannahAnna

    SavannahAnna Well-Known Member

    I have left several messages but she has not returned my call. Maybe she is on vacation... Will try to reach her on Monday.
  2. msjay2u

    msjay2u Member

    Just for a frame of reference my house is only about 1100 sq ft and sorta cluttered. I have one bedroom, 1 bathroom, 2 offices, a kitchen and livingroom. I moved from a house more than double in size and am trying to downsize. I have some boxes here and there. She charges me $60 every other week while Merry Maids charged me $80. I have vacuuming, floors washed, microwave cleaned out, dusting (probably the most time consuming part because 1- no insulation under the house and I get a lot of dust and 2- mission style furniture with LOTS of nooks and crannies and glass), change linens, mirrors, windowsills. She also washes the linens she takes off the bed and they are in the dryer dry when I get home.

    As you see different circumstances have different prices. I have a neighbor who pays $25 a week for her cleaning. Dishes washed. linens changed, sweep, mop and dust. Her house is about the same size as mines and she has a dog. I do not have a dog (pet households usually pay a little more)

    Also I would like to point out that when you hire your help make sure you have an understanding of what gets done every time, what gets done evey other time and what gets done every so many visits ( like the fridge or stove).
  3. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Savannah - She was out of town this weekend with her son's soccer team :mrgreen: at a tournament. Luck has it that her phone suffered an ill fate at the beach :lol:..... She is getting a new phone today and will return your call soon!!
  4. SavannahAnna

    SavannahAnna Well-Known Member

    She did call me back and is coming by the house Thursday evening. She told me she was a "clean freak" - almost obsessively so. My husband will LOVE this girl. I knew when I married him he was this way - he knew I wasn't!!!! A little dust doesn't bother me - it drives him crazy!!!!!! Oh well - we all have a quirks!
  5. bostonredhead

    bostonredhead Well-Known Member

    I look forward to hearing how it goes...
  6. SavannahAnna

    SavannahAnna Well-Known Member


    Thanks to everyone who responded to me regarding my search for a housekeeper. Several of you sent me the name of the same person - who I called; scheduled a visit so she could see what she was getting into; and then scheduled a date for the "first clean".

    All I can say is WOW! She is very reasonable in her prices; did a great job; and didn't seem to mind when I called her the next day to ask if she could do a few things a little different next time! :hurray:
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    :hurray::hurray::hurray: - now if i could only afford to get her to come every week:lol:
  8. Gabi

    Gabi Member

    Bumping thread to see if I could get name

    Could someone PM me the name of this person. I am looking for someone to clean but also perhaps some office work, filing, etc. Just needing to get some rate ideas on what it would cost.
  9. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I sent you a PM with her email. She's awesome.
  10. sarahmama

    sarahmama Well-Known Member

    I need this info too. I would love to have someone do a monthly deep clean.
  11. ibleedbluee

    ibleedbluee Active Member

    Could someone please PM me with the contact info for the person everyone is talking about in this thread? Thanks!
  12. LansingDr

    LansingDr Well-Known Member

    Ditto on the contact info. for me too please. THANKS! :)
  13. GarnerHome

    GarnerHome Well-Known Member

    Can someone please PM the name of the lady who you all recommended here for deep cleaning your house (assuming she still gets an A+ rating).
  14. GarnerHome

    GarnerHome Well-Known Member

  15. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    If you weren't given Anna's info, shoot me a PM. She is AMAZING. I've been using her for over a year. She comes every week and I can't say enough good things about her. She lives locally (off Josephine) and has been the best person I've ever used (and I've had several other individuals and services). Her prices are fantastic and she is super-dependable. She has a key to my house and I love coming home from work to a clean house.
  16. mom2two

    mom2two Well-Known Member

    Would love information too. Live out towards Archer Lodge so do you all think travel is an issue. Also does she do late afternoon cleans like between 4-5?
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I PM'd ya for the info.
  18. steve

    steve Well-Known Member

    I clean my own apartment, but since the body is your temple, I have a girl who comes in a couple of times a week.
  19. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Anna rocks:hurray::hurray::hurray:
  20. jenniferu29

    jenniferu29 Member

    Me too

    I'd love to have her contact information also.. TIA

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