So our family has been adopted by this dog. I never figured she would come this far this fast because when she first showed up she looked like total crap scared out of her mind. I've wormed her twice & flea/tick dropped her. She is gaining weight nicely. My other dogs are slowly getting use to her. Here's my dilemma...I am 99% sure she is a SHE and I don't want no more puppies. I JUST have gotten to were she will come to me without food but she is still VERY skiddish when I go to touch her. So, I'm pretty sure she won't freely ride in the back of a truck to get to a vet. The longer she stays at my house the more I grow attached and the longer she hangs around my kids & dogs makes me know she needs to see a vet. Does anyone know of a vet that will drive out to BumFukEgypt that won't charge me a gazillion dollars? I'm sure she will need all of her shots just to be safe and then the spaying...which I can't afford for another dog. :? That's mess ain't cheap. What to do???? I love Dr. Lash...but I'm not sure if she does mobile surgery. If not, she might have some suggestions for you.
Too bad they don't make birth control pills or shots like Depo Provera for dogs in situations like this!
Most of the ones on the price list park in different parts of town and you still have to bring her to them.... what about sedating her for the car ride? Good luck and congrats on your new dog! LOL Maybe she is already spayed?
The sedation isn't a bad idea...hadn't thought of that. You know, I can only hope to be that lucky if she is already spayed. But I'm usually not. :lol: I"m also hoping I didn't get a good enough look and missed the twig and berries...because I wasn't exactly up close and personal with the little fella. She is gaining weight pretty good and starting to get really friendly. So, Hubby wants to see if she'll ride in the back of the truck b/c he loves truck dogs. My boxer is already a good truck rider. I ain't to hip on a stray dog riding 'inside' my truck. Some dogs tend to yack when they ride. I've found that out the hard way more times and I care to with my other two. :ack: I've got a call into the vet we use for the horses to see if he will at least give her a rabies shot and ask him about fixin' her/him. Then if he won't do the spay or neuter I'll see if I can sweet talk Dr. B. I'm workin' it out....somehow.
Will do! :mrgreen: And the more I think about it, the more I probably need to expand my search. I honestly think someone lost this dog LONG long ago and has probably wrote her off. She had on a collar with a latch still attached to the O-ring. Every time I open my front door now, she doesn't run. Instead she tries to come in b/c she sees my other dogs come in. I'm starting to grow very fond of her but I know how heart broken I'd be if one of my babies came up missing. Then if someone found them and returned them, I can't explain how happy I'd be...sigh... what to do, what to do...
No, because I haven't tried to take her anywhere yet. I don't think they'll let me take one of those scanners home but it sure wouldn't hurt to ask.
They cost us about $300 a piece, so probably not... maybe if you leave a credit card and drivers license? LOL