For those of you with Juniors, Seniors or recent high school graduates. Are you imposing a strict bed time on your teenager? If so, what time. I have a time in mind, but I don't want to be unreasonable, thought I'd see what my peer group is doing to make sure I'm not crazy. Thanks.
I never concern myself when it comes to my child and what other parents do. I send my 14YO to bed at 9:30, he needs the rest and I need the quiet time.
My daughter is a junior (rising senior). 11PM school nights and midnight on weekends. That is not her curfew if she is out, only her bedtime if she is home. Curfew is 10PM school nights at the latest and 11PM on weekends. That being said, many times she is in bed earlier if she is tired.
Thanks. Typically we do our own thing too, but I think an occasional "level set" isn't too bad of an idea, so I thought I'd see if I was being too gracious or too strict.
I am the parent of a rising Junior. Her curfew on school nights is 9:00 pm, 10:30 on weekends. We do not enforce a strict bedtime, but in general we have her hit the sack around 10:00 pm on school nights. No specific bedtime on weekends.
Have never had to set one - my Sr dd goes to bed usually around 9pm, sometimes earlier cause she has to get up so early for school. On weekends - she can stay up as late as she wants, curfew is 11pm usually.
Mine is a rising Senior and has a 10:00 pm curfew on texting, computer and television on school nights. We always have a 9:00 pm on telephones unless the teen is out and needs to reach me. The teen is allowed to stay up until 10:30 pm on school nights and the curfew on weekends is 11:00 pm, in the house. What with projects, sports, job, etc. I think we as parents need to teach time management to our kids. Sherry
I have a rising Junior and we kind of set a bedtime for 10:00, unless we are in the middle of a movie, but for the most part, she is in bed earlier. Like others here, she has to get up pretty early for school. On the weekends, we don't really impose a bedtime, but she still goes to bed pretty early, unless there is something going on. She does have to be off the phone and everything by 10:00 PM and that is both school nights and weekends.
Oh she would text if she could, but her cell phone is a prepaid by Virgin Mobile, but it still woudn't matter, she still would have the phone attached to her ear.
Thanks Thanks for everybody's response. That helps. It has been 11 pm on school nights, but I have been thinking 10:30 is better. Thanks again. It helps to know I'm not crazy with my expectations.
I also think it depends on the child. If he/she stays up that late and gets up fine in the morning and gets thru the day without falling asleep etc, then maybe 11 is fine? :lol:
My teen told me that some students have gotten in trouble for falling asleep in classes while at school. I told her they should get in trouble both at school and at home, since grades probably would not be up to par. Sherry
I like the privacy texting gives me when I converse with my teen but I agree that the constant texting is really getting to be a bit much. It's hard to have a conversation when one person is constantly moving there eyes over to look at a phone...............ugg.................gonna be a long summer. Sherry