We used that Snake Away stuff from Lowe's last year after I almost stepped on a snake on the sidewalk. It seemed to work!
What bad stuff? :ack: I've got some little froggies that come out when I water my plants, I guess they want a shower or like when I talk to them? I like them. I've got SEVERAL lizzards around here also. They are fun.
Lizards...I was scared of them when we first came to NC 13 years ago, that's one thing we don't have in NY. But boy, are there tons of them around here! Not scared anymore, although I wouldn't touch them...but my son catches them on a daily basis, actually I think all 3 of my kids will catch them now. They are FAST! Some are actually kind of cute, but I'd never tell my kid that!
I have grandaddy long legs, they are cool. We don't have a wasp or spider problem - maybe because the snake ate 'em all? :lol:
Did you know that a grandaddy long legs is one of the most poisonous spiders? They are just so small that they can't bite you.
Same way some of the snakes eat birds. Snatch them outta the air or catch them as they are perched. Craig
Did you see the video of the lady in Texas that had 2 snakes crawl out of the front of her car? She had driven to a resteraunt (I think) and as she was getting out of the vehicle she saw 2 snakes crawling out of the front of her car. What a way to hitch a ride. I have heard about planes coming in from Guam to Hawaii and they always search the planes for snakes because they will crawl up and hide in the wheel area. Crazy!
Lizards I love the little critters. My son catches them all the time. He used to let them hang from his ear by their mouth. They didn't really bite, just enough to hang on. Looked really freaky but he isn't scared of anything. I keep telling him to stop picking up snakes but he's pretty good at identifying the non-poisonous from the poisonous ones. Still scares me...
That is hilarious! My cat always gets them "stuck" to her upper lip or paw and its funny but I can just imagine a little boy with lizard "earrings." Thanks for the LOL first thing this morning! :lol: