"body wave" permed hair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by nsanemom22, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Has any one had a body wave? I googled some pictures but you know how the internet is...

    Are the pics accurate?


  2. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It depends on your own hair. I've tried several time to just get a "body wave" and it always ends up way curlier than that. I've given up getting perms for the time being. The withdrawal has been awful, LOL.
  3. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I'd settle for way curlier!... I love HG's hair!
  4. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member


    I'm growing mine to my hiney at least once!

    Since your hair is straight as a stick it would probably come out like the second picture.
  5. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    My hair is really straight and I had a body wave once. It was curlier than the pictures for a little while but relaxed after a couple of weeks. It didn't last very long and I never bothered with it again. Wasn't worth the $ to me.
  6. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    A "Body Wave" is a permanent wave - just with larger rods, so the result is body (gentle waves) rather than curl.

    General rule of thumb - if your hair will wrap around a rod 2 1/2 to 3 times, you will get a curl about the size of the rod it's wound upon.

    That said, the texture of your hair, and any chemicals you already have in it (tint or old perms) can make the curl be tighter, or looser, as it can vary from person to person.
  7. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member


    I never could keep just a body wave either. Within a week or two you couldn't tell I had anything done. Sometimes I wish the curlier perms would come back in style. I liked wash and go.
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    No!!!! Not the curly perms. I have nightmares about the time my mama had one and she let it grow out so much she looked like Bob Ross (or whatever the painter's name was).
  9. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  10. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    LOL I had a real cute perm. It didn't look like an afro or like a poodle. I loved my perm! I will have to do some digging sometime and see if I could find a pic of when I had one.

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