i don't get why people raise aggressive dogs and then let them run free. My little Gracie's twin brother was attacked and killed by 2 Pits last week and i just do not get it. The people moved in across the street from my grandbabies about a month ago and the dogs run free all the time. Unfortunately for the little JRT, he got out of the fence and the 2 pits pretty much tore him to bits. The vet said there was really nothing they could do to save him:cry: So now we have a heartbroken family and 2 children scared to go out in their yard just because people think it is cool to have attack dogs and let them run free:evil::evil: And yes, HG, i did pass on your advice and it will be taken if given the chance.
yep reported and documented but Animal Control said since they could not communicate with the owners, do not speak English, there is just not a whole lot they can do. DIL did push and push and as of yesterday had not seen the dogs since Mon so maybe they did finally do something, not sure.
seems like they'd have an interpreter they could call or someone who could handle those situations...... :?
yeah, you would think so but from what the Vet's office said, they really don't care and you are lucky to get anything out of Animal Control:evil: i guess that is why JOCO folks take things like this into their own hands, huh?
Oh Kaci, I'm so sorry. I cannot stand it when owners let their aggressive dogs run loose. It's not fair for the children not to be able to go outside and play either. Last but not least, I'm sorry about Gracie's twin. That would be heartbreaking.
thanks girl, we will be bringing his ashes home when they are ready and the kids want to bury them in our backyard next to Mayan so Mayan won't be lonely anymore and they can still visit him when they are over - gotta love kid's hearts:grouphug:
So sorry, and so very sad While I love animals, I would not hesitate to take a gun to those dogs if they stepped onto my property. There is a leash law and the pitt owners obviously break it - language barriers are a cop out. Those people need to be fined for every instance of those dogs running free. Get out your camera (preferable with date and time stamp) and take them to civil court if you must. Bad enough dogs were hurt and killed, what happens when it's someones child? The law and the people enforcing it need a freaking wake up call. Why does someone always have to be maimed or killed before someone does something? The dog's owners should be shot along with the dogs.
That is complete BS and I would've went off on animal officer.. no excuse at all. Sorry to hear this what an awful thing to happen.
:iagree: I can tell you right now that if this happened to one of our dogs and my husband had a chance to shoot them he would without thinking about it.
yep, that was HG's suggestion:hurray: DS wanted to go do it right then and there when he got home from work, but i told him he would go to jail if they weren't in his yard so time will tell.
that is terrible and frightening for the family. For sure, there can be an interpreter called to handle this. That is completely unacceptable. So sorry
exactly!!!! it is kinda sad though, it is not the dogs' fault but the owner who trained them that way and lets them run free but now that they are vicious & agressive they will be the ones that have to pay, wish we could say here owner owner owner:evil:
:iagree: I forgot how many that makes, but here I am agreeing with you again! That is nothing but a copout. It is an awful thing to happen, and it makes you scared for the kids in the neighborhood, too.
I'm so sorry to hear this. Please direct your anger at the owners, whose irresponsible behavior caused this situation. The dogs are doing what instinct tells them, because the owners failed to mitigate instinct with training. The dogs don't know any better because the owners never bothered to teach them. The fault lies entirely with the owners, who could have chosen—in lieu of training, which takes time—to secure their dogs on their property, which they also failed to do. People who fail to take responsibility for their actions (or inactions) really chap my behind. And that's exactly what this is. Such a shame ... it could have so easily been prevented. :x I agree with the poster who suggested taking time/date-stamped pictures each time the dogs come onto your property. Call AC each time as well. Note the date, time of day, how long they were on your property and whether they were aggressive toward you or your animals.
Hi, long-time lurker, first time poster. Have you contacted the Sheriff's office yet? You are the victim of a property crime and the culprit needs to be held responsible. As previously mentioned, you have a potentially serious threat to human life across the street- once a dog develops a strong prey instinct -by nurture or nature- there's little that can be done to reverse it. It's so very easy to paint AC and LEOs as apathetic, but God knows they don't do it for the money or the glamour. Give them a chance to prevent a tragedy. My heart goes out to you...