
Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by RCARP, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    How can I get rid of fleas? I have washed the dogs, sprayed the dogs, frontlined the dogs, fogged the house, everything I can think of. The dogs still have a couple of fleas. I am horrified. Someone else must know of something to do.
  2. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  3. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    You have new ones hatching, that's why you have to keep at it. Eggs can lie dormant for a really long time.
  4. Monkeychi1

    Monkeychi1 Member

    This trick worked wonders in one of those houses in Raleigh converted to apartments, without any chemical sprays: They are attracted to light.
    So you get a dinner plate or a serving platter, put water in it, then add a
    drop or two of dish detergent. Put it on the floor, and set up a desk lamp
    over it, and turn on the light. The fleas jump to the light, fall in the water
    and drown.
  5. Jean S

    Jean S Well-Known Member

    Did you spray your yard? That is a really key thing to do when having a problem with fleas & ticks. You can get the stuff at Lowes (Spectricide or Bayer) that attaches to your waterhose and sprays the chemical all over your yard. Read instructions about keeping animals out of the treated area. If you have carpet, get some 20 mule team borax and sprinkle it on your carpet at night, next AM vacuum it up and throw away the vacuum bag. Do this for 3 nights and it should take care of your flea problems. You want to keep the dogs from sniffing the borax powder, it may irritate their noses...
  6. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    A vet that I had back in KS told me to drop about a dozne moth balls into my vacuum cleaner bag and vacuum ever other day. As the eggs hatch, they will get sucked up in the vacuum and die. Yes it will smell of moth balls, but the smell doesn't last very long and you can always use air freshener afterward. I have been doing this for years and it does help.
  7. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    We went through what seemed like a perpetual cycle of fleas from last summer until January. I finally was at my wits end and I called the vet and asked what else is there on the market as I thought our dog was over it and then bam, they were back. They told me there was a pill that is out (I think the name is concertis). Its only flea protection though. I told her I didn't care as i wasn't having a tick problem, I needed something that was going to work. With this pill, it kills the fleas within 15 min. I've not (or my dog that is) has not had a flea problem since then. Oh, and one thing that dawned on me well after the onset was to change the vacuum cleaner back - never dawned on me that any flea and eggs were hanging out in the bag) i do remember the other day reading another post about Borax that it was good to rid fleas. Good luck -- it is frustrating.
  8. kaiser soze

    kaiser soze Well-Known Member

    Advantage works better for fleas than Frontline.
    BUT......Frontline works better for ticks than Advantage.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's "Comfortis". My dog is on it. We didn't actually have a flea problem, the vet was convinced a skin issue my dog was having was a flea allergy. 3 visits later, I think I finally got him to understand, LOL. But since warm weather was coming, I've kept her on it. No fleas. I have pulled a few dead ticks off her, so it does work. Geez the ticks are BAD this year. DH had 4 on him Sunday just from helping with an outdoor Scout function. :?
  10. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone. I will try to bowl and water trick. I am spraying the yard this weekend. Hopefully that will help. I am also re-powdering the house, then vacuuming.
  11. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

  12. RCARP

    RCARP Well-Known Member

  13. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Your're right - I just could not remember the name of it at 5:30 this a.m. It works great.

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