My neighbor is a cross dresser - at least

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by DontCareHowYouDoItInNY, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    :iagree: I don't understand setting up a life as a male and in that role and then doing something like this. It's not fair to the people who know you and love you as a man (husband/father). As far as I know husbands and fathers are defined as the male in the relationship. I don't believe that someone who does this wakes up after a wife and kids and decides they want to do it. I think their whole life they have had a feeling about it and should have thought about that before getting married and having children.
  2. seabee

    seabee Guest

    LOL..... somehow a majority of them do...
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    this is the 4042 board:jester:
  4. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    If this person is in public like this then I don't see why it shouldn't be discussed on a public board. They would have to know that a decision like that would be discussed/scrutinized by others and accept that as part of the package.
  5. :iagree: I was thinking the same thing! I try to avoid a lot of the political threads, but somehow it ends up everywhere!!! It sort of bothers me when people say "Liberals do this..." or "Conservatives do this..." It is stereotyping. I'm mostly conservative, but I don't agree with every conservative voice or politician. There are far-rights to far-lefts and many in-betweens.
  6. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    The lady does have a good point. :iagree:
  7. I see your point! I don't know many crossdressers. I think I was assuming he'd be upset if he read some of these posts. Hey, if a man can wear a dress and have some boobs, he's prepared for just about anything!
  8. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    We used to live in a neighborhood that had one of those in it and he/she/it would put on the worlds smallest/shortest shorts and mow the grass (push mowing). It was hilarious to me although I would never laugh in his/her/its face I would wait until I passed the house to burst into laughter. You just had to see it to believe it.
  9. :lol: I'm a woman and I don't wear short shorts... Off subject, but I've seen women once in a while mow the lawn in their bikinis. That seems uncomfortable to me.
  10. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    Simple enough to understand - either he was in denial about his sexuality and attempted to live the life society expected of him, or he knew what his preferences were and tried to change them. I highly doubt he ever got married to turn around and intentionally screw up his family over a decade later. . .and chances are, his wife probably had some suspicion at least in the back of her mind for some time.

    Things are different now than they were years ago - perhaps he felt comfortable with dealing with his feelings and his family when the OP started to see changes in him. If his family had a problem with it that they couldn't deal with - then either they, or him would be gone. It appears they are dealing with it, so what's the big deal?

    As for his teen-aged children - Why assume that life is going to be so tough for them just because of this? Kids get picked on for where they live, how they dress, what they drive or don't drive, what their name rhymes with, what their parents might do for a living, whether they are short or tall - or skinny or overweight - kids put up with crap. It's part of life. Sure they might get ribbed a bit, but I doubt it will be any more ribbing than the average kid puts up with.
  11. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I don't think it is ever intentional to hurt people either, but I think that if it was society pressure a person should have thought about the ramifications of his actions before caving to them. Any show that I have seen where people are talking about this they say that they have always known that something was different about themselves. Hence, my issue with just going along with marriage and kids just to see if it works out or not. It does sound like his family is supportive which is great and in that case it is no big deal. I do agree about the kid thing although when it comes to something about your parent it might sting more. Especially something like having your dad become a woman. Sadly, there are cases where something like this tears the family apart and that's where it is very sad. If these folks make it work more power to them.
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Does your avatar resemble you??? If so bikini away... :twisted::twisted:
  13. zookeeper

    zookeeper Well-Known Member

    I understand where you are coming from and perhaps we've seen the same documentaries. I can't help but look at it this way - I believe with all my heart that people are born gay or lesbian. I don't believe for a moment that it is a conscious 'choice' that they make. They are, what they are, because that's how they were put together. A decade or so ago, it was accepted more by society, but even more so today. People are more comfortable with telling others who they are and I honestly believe that's a good thing. However, before it was accepted, people who were attracted to the same sex were shunned, it was taboo and many attempted to do for family and employment reasons to try to 'fit' into the mold their gender determined. Kind of sad, when you think about it.

    Now, take a cross-dresser - I've seen programs where they state that the majority of cross-dressing men are sexually attracted to females. However, if they are cross-dressing on their way to getting prepared for an operation to change their gender, then they are most likely attracted to men, but not always. Very confusing. . . I would imagine it would be much more difficult to be in this category, than being gay or lesbian.

    Life isn't easy - no matter who, or what you are. As long as someone isn't doing something to intentionally harm someone else, I wish them all the luck in the world and respect them for whomever they are, or wish to be.
  14. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    So you don't think everyone would be snickering when their mom and mommy-daddy showed up at graduation? Or afterwards when going out to celebrate? I think they will and I think the father should be ashamed for putting this undue burden on his family. This guy made a conscious decision knowing what the aftermath would be. How inconsiderate.
  15. :iagree: well said!
  16. Ha ha! I wish! I'm not quite as voluptuous as Marilyn. Her bikini top would probably wrap around my chest twice! TMI???
  17. crownsjo

    crownsjo Well-Known Member

    A M E N Sister !! Well Said.
  18. crownsjo

    crownsjo Well-Known Member

    Something you all should think about ...............
  19. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Is it hypocritical to support this type of behavior and quote bible passages at the same time?
  20. crownsjo

    crownsjo Well-Known Member

    No,I am not !! I`m just saying that people should n`t do things,say things about people that they do not know,they want answers to questions that are none of their dern business.Keep your nose in your own yard.Bet that people don`t like everything that you do either ! Like I said before ,If you really want to know that bad about someone elses life and how they live,,GO ASK THEM !! What are you ? CHICKEN<<BAULK BAULK BAULK...BUSY BODIES !!!

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