Babysitting - fair prices?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by GremlinsNmyPC, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. GremlinsNmyPC

    GremlinsNmyPC Active Member

    I used to be on here as MommySaidno. If I ever get my computer fixed, I will be back as that. As it is, I had to create a new account to post on here. :banghead:

    Anyway, I'm seeking input on babysitting fees. My daughters 15 & 11 took the Red Cross babysitting course and are now certified. They want to start a babysitting service in our neighborhood and beyond. I am in the process of helping them make up flyers to hand out.

    We have 4 kids, 2 daughters as listed and 2 sons, younger than the girls. So, both girls have experience with younger kids. The 15yo is a good bit older than all 3 others and so she has always been a "Mommy" to them in a way.

    I know I am biased, but she is extremely responsible for her age even. Anyone who knows her has commented on this to her and to me and her Dad before. I trust her to babysit my kids at any time.

    We have neighbors who come over to play with our younger kids and they are very comfortable with my 15yo (AND my 11yo even) babysitting them if I have to run errands while they are here playing.

    The 11yo is very responsible too. She actually seems to have a gift with young kids (many people have noticed this). They are attracted to her like a magnet. We call her the female "Pied Piper" because anywhere we go (the boys baseball games etc) within a few mins, we will look around to see her in the middle of a group of little kids following here everywhere she goes. She seems to have a special, gentle way with them and they sense it in her.

    I said all of that because I will (in a shorter version:lol: ) include this info on the flyer because I think people needing a sitter would appreciate some personal info. They are not only certified but have experience with babysitting young kids, (even their toddler and infant cousins).

    So, if you were to be in need of a sitter and didn't have one and you got such a flyer and wanted to use one of them for sitting, what would you consider to be a fair price - fair for my girls AND fair for you? I have not needed a babysitter for so long, I'm kinda clueless.

    Can you all give me ideas and also cover if it is more than one child and the ages of the child, amount of hours involved (3-4 hours for a date night vs. all day for a day or a week at the time).

    What about if both girls are needed? And what differences would the charge be if they are picked up or if I ned to drive them over if it is outside of our neighborhood.

    Any other considerations I have not mentioned that you think of would be welcomed.
  2. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    Here's my input...About 7 years ago we became friends with a family that had 2 daughters, 12 & 15. The 12 yo was great with kids, the 15 not so much, but they both did babysitting. I had 1 kid then and would hire the 12 yo to babsit for me only when I was home (at that time our company was run out of our house, so I just needed someone to keep little one quiet). I wouldn't trust anyone that young to watch kids alone, but that was just me.

    Then I had #2, and when he was a newborn, I'd have them both babysit the 2 kids, because I was paranoid, and the baby would take so much time, so it worked great having 2 that could babysit together. Of course, I always had to drive them, but they lived about 10 minutes away at the time, so not a big deal. I always pay a little less if I have to drive. And I pay the same whether it's 1 babysitter or 2, cause you're paying per child, not per sitter.

    I have 3 kids, ages 3, 6, 9, and pay anywhere from $9-12/hour. Usually 9-10, but one sitter I have charges me $12, her price went up when gas went up last year, she used to be $10/hour. I think the going rate is $5/hour for 1 kid, then add on a couple dollars for each additional child. I hope this helps! If your daughters want to be "competitive" they might want to start out a little cheaper, since they're not like most and have expenses like most. And they also might want to put on their flyer that they can babysit together if there are multiple children involved...just an idea, that would be appealing to someone like me. I personally would not allow an 11 yo to sit for my children, but I would a 15 yo, or the 2 of them together. (after I met them of course)
  3. ncmomtothree

    ncmomtothree Well-Known Member

    I pay around $10/hour for my brood (ages 7 and 10) and that is with transportation. Sometimes I pay a little more if we leave during the day (more hands on hours) and less if we leave around 7 pm (only 1.5 hrs before bed). If 2 girls are babysitting I might would pay a little more but not much!
  4. GremlinsNmyPC

    GremlinsNmyPC Active Member

    Thanks for the input. Yeah, my 11yo will probably only be allowed to watch a certain age child and only during the day AND only in our neighborhood. That way, I would be close by if she needed help. I think people will need to get to know her before they could be comfortable with babysitting at her age.

    And I won't allow them to sit until the family has met them and me and we are comfortable with the environment for our girls as well.

    WOW...$10 an hour. Rates have gone up since I was 12 and started babysitting. I used to just get whatever spare change the couple had left between them when they stumbled into the house. :lol:

    I sure am glad my girls can sit for us. Guess I better up the pay for them :)
  5. GremlinsNmyPC

    GremlinsNmyPC Active Member

    Helpful responses so far.

    Any other Mommies (or Dads) want to chime in? :)
  6. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Wow, $10 an hour, now i see why son and dil did not want to have to pay a sitter to go out to dinner and a movie once in awhile:shock:
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Keep in mind that minimum wage will be $7.25 next month, although typically off the books, there are competitive factors.
  8. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    Times have changed! Inflation I guess... Back in the day when I was 17 I sat twin girls ages 2 from 7 am til at least 5 pm..(he was a welder and worked for himself...single father and 2 other kids) and was paid about 150 a week. But I loved doing it. That was back when gas was what?! 50 cents a gallon? maybe?..
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    yeah and when i was a preteen and teenager making money babysitting i did not expect to make minimum wage, when i was old enough to work a real job making min wage that is what i did in High School. When i paid kids to babysit my kids i didn't compare to min wage either, they had other benefits you don't get in a min wage job such as unlimited food, hours to study after the kids go to bed, etc.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    True, but my sitters had to deal with me! :mrgreen:
  11. GremlinsNmyPC

    GremlinsNmyPC Active Member


    Which is why I will be meeting the parents first.... :mrgreen: ;)

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