Does this make me sound like a hussy?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by JenniferK, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. I just have to say this. Some of the teachers I've worked with and that have taught my children use the worst grammar and spelling. I was amazed. I know I'm not perfect, but I dont' use "ain't" in the classroom or make numerous grammatical errors on letters sent home to parents. I've looked at their websites, and noticed lots of errors there too!
  2. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    So it looks like this doesn't make you look like a hussy, what else have you got?????:jester:
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    unfortunately i have to agree with Wolf on this one, i stood up and made a very demanding stand for one of my sons once and the entire school staff made him pay for it, they do stick together ya know even if you change schools in the same system, so be very careful of your wording and who you approach, like you i was a well known community person and he ended up paying for it to the point that i had to homeschool a straight A, advanced studies kid the last 4 years of his high school. It really does suck but it is the social nature of our world. Ok, yes, this happened to a kid that is now 23 but it is hard to believe that the system would have changed that much since then.
  4. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I think it sounds fine and this coming from someone who has stepped in numerous times due to situations happening with my kids. If my kids were in the wrong, then that is one thing, but the times I have spoken, or at least tried to speak to a teacher, is when they weren't. The teachers didn't care.

    Now speaking from the view of also having a daughter that is well endowed, I agree that clothes fit these girls a little differently. We try our best to make sure she is covered but other than putting her in t-shirts or turtlenecks all the time, there always seems to be a bit of cleavage showing, but not like them puppies are hanging out all over the place. My guess would be that this teacher was jealous and wishes she had something to show.

    I almost recently went and got into a teachers face last week also! DD is dating a young man that is friends with my son, so he is about 3 years older than her. She was very excited that this young man asked her to be her boyfriend...heck he even asked me if they could go out and yes ground rules were laid out as were the ramifications....anyway, that is off track. She was telling her friends at school and one of the kids was teasing her about him being a pedophile. She told ths kid that he was not and they were going back and forth and then the teacher got involved....she asked DD how old he was and how old she was and then told her that "Yes he is a pedophile". She came home upset! I was so ticked off!!! I told her that I would have a talk with this teacher and she told me no, that it was the end of the school year and it wasn't no big deal, but she was pretty upset and almost in tears. She and I talked about it and since she didn't want to make a big deal out of it, I didn't say anything as much as I wanted to. Where the heck to these teachers get off making comments like this? It was none of this teachers business and she should have kept her comment to herself, same as the one that made the comment about the cleveage!

    Not all teachers are this way, but dang, there are some and they really get under my skin.

  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    But first make sure that what she leaves the house in is the same thing they see her in. i know it has been a lot of years but when i was in middle school my Mom did not allow me to wear short skirts and makeup and guess what, as soon as i got to school, i rolled that skirt up and put on makeup in the bathroom, just a thought that maybe you ought to be sure before you comment to the teach. But if the teach did comment about her in front of anyone else then that was totally uncalled for and she does need to be called on it, just be sure first. (don't come after me Jen, please, i am running and ducking and trying to hide in my backyard)
  6. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I can understand where you are coming from kaci, but the bad part is, too much of this kinds of stuff has been let go it and it gets to a point where they think they can get away with things. I have gotten to where if I don't get satisfaction from the teacher, I go to the principal and if not there, I continue to go up until I can get satisfaction. I have only had to do this once, maybe twice in all the years my kids have been in school, but I will be darned if my kids are going to be "mistreated" persay. To be honest, I am not very popular with a couple of the teachers at CHS, but after a few rounds with a couple of the teachers, they backed off. Like I said earlier, if my kids are in the wrong, that is one thing, but if they aren't, well that is a different story and as far as making comments like some of these teachers do, I have found that many times the principals do not know about some of this stuff and have been willing to deal with the situation. It usually involved me, the principal and the particular teacher, but that was ok....mama bear will show her claws when need be.
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i totally understand FF, DH always says that i am so mild mannered till one of my kids were in danger, then MamaBear came flying out but there is a very fine line between overprotective and subjecting your children to the ridicule of other kids, school is not always the most hospitable place when it come to how kids treat other kids and teachers who have been brought to account treat kids, you just have to figure out the line and react accordingly so your children have the best school experience possible without being considered mommy ruled by the other kids and school staff. Unfortunately, school is where our kids first learn society rules and it is not always a pleasant lesson.
  8. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I agree....there are times when I have wanted to say stuff, but I try to weigh things out plus try to talk with the kids before I go flying off the handle. That is like this thing that happened with DD....I was so ready to go tell that teacher what I thought about her comment, (andit was in front of the whole class) and to be honest still think I should, but since DD said she was not worried about it and it is really what I thought that mattered, I am not. The really sad thing is that some of these teachers just don't care and to be honest, I feel they act worse than some of the kids do. They want to be respected but a lot of times they don't respect the kids or even the parents. I have had times when a teacher (who is way younger than I am) talk down to me! Oh...that really gets under my skin and it takes every ounce of strength I have not to put them in their place!!!!

    Personally I think society is sad all the way one respects any one any more...parents are not respected, teachers, students, police officers, our elderly, no one! Society has gotten to be a throw away society....when the going gets tuff, the "tuff" just quit (again, school, marraige, etc)...look at how things are and see what the kids are learning. No one stands up for what is right any more, people look the other way which teaches our kids to look the other way too. It is like no one cares any more....dang even saying this makes me stop and take a look at my own life and what I can do better. LOL
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  10. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    thanks kaci

    :grouphug: back atch!
  11. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Well, I slept on it, and here's what I've come up with.

    A) Yes, she's in the same clothes that she left the house in.

    B) If I covered up her girls completely, she'd be in turtlenecks all year round. Have you seen the clothes that young girls have to choose from lately? She's on the high side of modest, she was just blessed in that department.

    C) Yeah, I know it's never claimed to be a good speller. I hadn't run it through spell check yet.

    D) She *shouldn't* run into this teacher again, as the teacher only teaches that specific grade, but you never know.... And honestly, the administration at the school has been wonderful so far. I've found the principal to be fair, and responsive to any concern I've ever had, so I don't think she'd be black-balled.


    E) DD reminded me last night, after I told her that I'd made this post, that this teacher, reads the 4042 boards. So, in actuality, she's probably seen this post, and probably realizes that I'm talking about her. That might be enough of a nudge to encourage her to be careful what she says to middle school students and I may not need to send the letter.

    I'll keep you all updated, and thank you very much for your comments.
  12. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    Pooh. See. :lol:
  13. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    Kiddo just got home from school and called me to let me know that the offending teacher made yet another comment about her breasts being exposed today.

    I'm sending the email now.
  14. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    I don't get why the teacher hasn't involved the principal yet if she has such a problem with it. Unless of course she knows the principal wouldn't agree with her. 8) And like you said, if it was a violation of the dress code I'm sure the other teachers and staff that see her in the halls etc. would have already said something and it would have been addressed. Obviously this lady doesn't know what it's like to deal with having big ones. I may be the only woman on earth who would rather have a reduction down a size or two! :lol:
  15. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    That's been my whole question....if it's such a problem, why hasn't someone called/emailed/sent a letter home?

    I re-worded the letter just a little bit, and sent it to her and copied the principal. I don't expect much to be done, today was the last day of school, but I want them to know I'm not happy.
  16. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Here's the corrected, re-worded, spell checked email:

  17. kookookacho

    kookookacho Well-Known Member

    Kuddos! very nicely written!

    You did however forgot the mosquito bite comment. I'll let it slide though. :lol:
  18. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I didn't forget it. I'm keeping it in reserve in case I need it later,lol....
  19. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    People just don't think before they speak. I guess this hit a little close to home for me. It wasn't a teacher, but a friend of my mom's that looked right at my chest and asked me where I got them from in a very lecherous way. Not long after that, a customer where I was working made a very inappropriate comment. I spent the next 10 years hiding them. Not cool. I shoulda been enjoying it, after all, people spend thousands buying what God gave me, LOL. :mrgreen:
  20. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Jenn - I think it does make you sound like a hussy, but I also think you have the right TO sound like one. Send it and copy the principal.

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