Hi. My first post....we lost our 10 year old female beagle at the Hwy 210/Old Fairground intersection on June 4. We believe that the dog was picked up by someone who told the store clerk (Dave Gas and Grill) that she would be dropping the dog at a shelter. So far she has not turned up and, yes, we have contacted all the shelters in Wake, Johnston and Harnett counties multiple times as well as many local vets. I also have a classified ad on this site. This is just another long shot I guess. You can call 919-701-0169 if you have information. She is a small beagle with a pink collar plus an electric fence collar. She has a crescent shaped white spot on her back right in front of her tail. I will consider a reward.
Make sure you get it on craigslist too! It sounds like if someone said that she was dropping at shelter they might have held onto her to see if they could find the owners and would then drop off. I hope she is found. We have good luck on these boards with the lost pups so I feel good about it. :grouphug:
As I was leaving for work this AM I saw a beagle running around the subdivision. I was not close enough to see if it had on a collar. I am in Lansing subdivision off Sanders Rd.
Thanks for the kind words VG. Much appreciated. Lansing, I wonder if that is the same one found by Pirategirl. I called her just to make sure it wasn't mine.
I'm sure it was... I have been riding around all evening asking people if they know where the little guy belongs.
Any luck yet? My heart just breaks everytime I see a post on here for a missing family pet! I'm praying for a happy ending!
Isn't there a sign on 50 near Lowe's food shopping center that says something about a found dog? I can't remember if it said beagle or not. Sorry!