HVAC ripoff

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by TYLER_W6, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Don't forget to call the guys on the magnet on your fridge!! 8)
  2. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    The were the first ones I was going to call and I am going to ask them if they will work with me on payments.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Can't promise for him, but he's a pretty reasonable fella. 8)
  4. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Chucks worked on it last time, but like I said, it cost me so much and then he never followed thru on the service contract or anything like that. He worked with us on the payments and yes, one of his son's or son in law is the one that came out. It just kind of turns me off when someone who wants my business, but cannot follow thru on what they say they are going to do and then it worries me on how dependable they will be in the future.
  5. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    But doesn't hurt to ask....all he can say is no.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    :) Call the main number first thing. Mine upstairs unit quit cooling a couple weeks ago. It just needed a re-charge and wasn't a big deal. Is your unit still running?
  7. jtm

    jtm Well-Known Member

    I had the same story two years ago with the same company, but he was so highly recommended on the forums here, I wasn't sure if I had been screwed over or if I just didn't know what I was talking about. So, I never named the company and just chalked it up to being a sucker. I fell for the "cleaning the condenser coils" as well, and could have kicked myself when I realized it was just spraying some cleaning solution into the condenser, hosing it off with my garden hose, and pulling some weeds up around it.

    I'm pretty sure I checked BBB at the time, and there were no complaints. I guess I was one of the first ones to get screwed over by that company. At the time, I just wasn't sure enough of that fact to warn others.
  8. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    That's the first black person I've ever heard of named Chuck. That should've been a red flag :lol:
  9. Jubes

    Jubes Well-Known Member

  10. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Well your guys are here....my motor locked up and having to get another motor and then we will see if it works from there. UGH............just what I needed right now!!! I see the $$$$ flying in front of my face.
  11. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Just got my unit serviced, under the annual contract. Needed a capacitor replaced. A/C tech showed me what was wrong, did the services, provided complete communication.
    I stand by Chuck and his company.
  12. TYLER_W6

    TYLER_W6 Guest

    i reckon it depends on what tech you get then, i got his son, who told me he would work with me on the price, and told me the prices were competitive. the first words on his website are "save you money." too deceptive for my taste. anyhow, i just had his work checked behind and the guy that went behind him talked to me about my system, my problem, possible causes, and made me feel better about giving him my money. oh and he didn't rape me.
  13. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I got AC bac yesterday afternoon! It feels so much better upstairs. Had to replace the motor and the fan blade and had 2 hours work (included the diagnotic) and was less than $400.
  14. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    Talk about being ripped off - our AC unit was not spitting out cool air - called my main AC guy only to find out he was out of town but had a guy fhe could call to fill in (who owns a business out of Smithfield) so he made the call for me. I was then to follow up with him and he told he would be here between 2 and 3. So at 1:30 I rush home to meet the guy but by 3:15 he's not here. Thinking maybe he got hung up on the prior job, I waited before calling. I called the office and was told that he would call me right back. That right back was actually 40 mins. later and he had the audacity to tell me that it slipped his mind but he would call a tech and would call me back. That return call was another 40 mins later by the tech who said he was on his way. When he got here, I explained that it may be the capacitor as it happened before and was acting the same way. He said let me check the freon. He told me it was low so I thought - great - he'll add freon and be on his way. At about 30 minutes he only had 6 ounces added (he had a scale and I did ask him how low was it). After an hour, he still hadn't added quite a pound. Anyway, the house still wasn't cool so after calling the boss (who was the no show), they sent another tech. I had to keep telling my husband to babysit the two guys as they were operating so slow and considering the rate was $80 an hour, I wasn't owning the farm at the end of the service call. Anyway, when the new tech shows up, they talk for a few mins, try changing the capacitor, and proceed to ask me if I want the bad news or the bad news. I said just give me the bad news - he tells me my compressor is shot and to replace it will be between $1,200 and $1,800. Give me a break - we didn't even pay that for the unit so why would we sink that much money into it to have another part go. Told him to give us a quote on a new unit, labor and freon and let us know. When it came time to pay, they wanted $270. I went out and asked them how that broke down and he proceeds to tell me that the diagnostic was $80, $80/hr labor and then the freon. I said hmmm, when I talked with #### this morning, he didn't tell me that the diagnostic included a labor rate. Needless to say, they knocked almost $100 off the bill. I told my husband that really what should have been said was that the first hour is $160 and each hour thereafter is $80. Anyway, after getting a quote of over $3,000 to replace the AC, and air handler, I decided to call my normal guy who was coming back to town today to take a look at it. He stopped by this afternoon after dropping his family off and confirmed that it was not the compressor. Two AC guys independent of each other have said the same thing - if the compressor is bad, it would never have taken the freon - okay, we were charged for that pound of freon the other night so where did it go. Anyway, come to find out the tech the other night didn't put enough freon in. Our guy added more today, and within three hours the temp was back down to normal. Hopefully, that's all it is. I can honestly say, I would never recommend this outfit out of Smithfield - I'll wait next time for my AC guy to come off vacation before we do anything.
  15. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    so who exactly is the smithfield outfit and who are your guys you will wait for next time? my DD needs service on hers and need to know who to call- or not to call- thanks
  16. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    Call the State Licencing Agency listed in your link. Ask them if all of his licensing is current. Ask for his workmans comp and liability insurance information. Check with the insurance company to see if they are currently paid. If either is not, you can take him to small claims court and get your money back. Unlicensed contractors or working without insurance is against the law for trades requiring licensing.
  17. claytonian

    claytonian Well-Known Member

    sent you a PM
  18. seabee

    seabee Guest

    call Mikes... he advertises here I believe... Good one...

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