Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by toysrmel.com, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

    WJHS Annual Golf Outing!

    To benefit the athletic programs of
    West Johnston High School

    Date: Friday July 31, 2009
    Time: Shotgun start 9:00 am
    Place: Reedy Creek Golf Club
    Cost: $60 per person
    $240 per team
    (includes green fees, cart, meal, and prizes)

    For more information you may visit our website at www.wjhsathletics.com
    Or contact
    Allen Bunch 906-6066 or via email: AllenBunch@johnston.k12.nc.us
    Mike Montague 553-3493 or via email: mmontague@ncem.org
  2. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

  3. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    How about events that benefit academics? Fewer than 1/10 % of these kids will make it to the pro level. What will they do then?
  4. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

    As someone who has spent time subbing at WJHS, I think you would know that at WJHS the clubs, band and sports teams strongly support students being well rounded.

    This is not thread about kids turning pro, it a fun activity for those who want to support the kids and coaches. If that not something you would like to do as a member of the Johnston county school system, then don't but I for one am just trying to support WJHS.
  5. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Apparently struck a sensitive spot. Didn't say anything was wrong with having athletics at school. And I am glad that we all support having well rounded students.

    Yet, not as an affront to the athletes both former, present, and future, I mention this as the reality for those students who never get their names mentioned in the paper nor ever have the cache' of being a jock at school.

    These students go through their education, graduate (and for many, their one time in the spotlight is that brief moment walking onstage to accept their diploma), go out into the community, get gainfully employed, and pay taxes to support the schools. Who speaks for them? Are these students of lesser importance? I say they are not. I happen to believe that they are overlooked for most of their lives, yet have more of a cumulative impact than those who were cherished for athletic pursuits.
  7. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member


    1st off, you did hit a spot. This post was about something fun for members of the the Cleveland area to do with the coaching staff of WJHS and not get just a discount card or a cookbook.

    2nd off, You want to turn it into something more, start your own post about how the education system , which I may say you choice to work for, doesn't do enough for our students.

    3rd off, You are right many students are just students. They go to school , get their degrees, get jobs, and I don't know are like me and feel like it is nice to give back to the community they grown up in and play some golf!

    4th, Now I didn't grow up a round here but if I could go back to my home town and hang out for an afternoon with some of the teachers , who I know spend countless hours supporting my little 2.5 GPA lazy butt, I would love to.

    Ok, I said my say, if you want to support WJHS sports and coaches see you there.
  8. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Alrighty then.... go start you a tournament for them....
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

    hope you had a few stiff ones tonight... maybe loosened you up a little...
  10. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Au contraire, my Navy friend...

    The title of the post was about a benefit for WJHS students, and only into the body did it specify that it was to benefit the athletics program. Don't come fussin' at me, because the title was less than clear as to its aims.
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Ok cut you off... you had enough now...:jester: The title was what it was A golf outing: to support athletics... What post you reading???
  12. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Dude, put your stein down, and back away from the keg. 8) I drove four of us to dinner tonight. Haven't imbibed today.

    The title of the post was about WJHS. One had to read the post to get to those whom it benefits. I have nothing against the athletic programs, at any level, per se. What I find hard to accept is the amount of time that I see devoted to sports, with less and less towards education - and then to hear that the educational requirements are too difficult.

    I have personally seen elementary kids who were out at the ballpark until 930 or so, on a school night, their "sixes" dragging, homework not done. I ask you what the priority is here?

    All I ask is for some balance, if not for the kids, then at least for admitting that some parents are less than devoted to their child's academic success. I'm tired of my better half taking heat for doing her best at teaching, when parents aren't doing their parts. But, then we open another can of worms, do we not?

    And, of course, I am grateful that the support folks for athletics are stepping forward. Lord knows that given the budgets, I'd not vote to spend a dime for them, until we get the academics funded. Or is that too honest and upfront?

    I do wish the golf tourney to be an unqualified success. Hit 'em long and accurate..."Cinderella kid..former greens keeper, about to become the Master's Champion"...
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  13. jumpin4joync

    jumpin4joync Well-Known Member

    Personally, I don't play golf. However, I will say that in these very tough economic times, groups are seeing a dramatic reduction in charitable donations and volunteer hours. So.......

    I highly encourage anyone out there who enjoys a round of golf, good fellowship and would like to help the athletic department at West Johnston High School to consider contacting the folks organizing this event.
  14. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Actually the title only eludes to a WJHS Golf Outing. No where there does it releate to students, acedemics, charity event or what. It could be taken that some of the alumni of WJHS are getting together for a golf outing.

  15. seabee

    seabee Guest

    He maybe was thinking the S in WJHS meant student not school.... :lol::lol:
  16. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the support!
  17. toysrmel.com

    toysrmel.com Well-Known Member

    WJHS Annual Golf Outing!

    Lots of wonderful door prizes and fellowship
  18. SavannahAnna

    SavannahAnna Well-Known Member

    Another One

    The WJHS Band was supposed to have a golf tournament at Reedy Creek on May 29th - I know because hubby was asked to play in it but he declined.

    Anyway, did the May 29th tournament get rescheduled to this July date or is this a completely different golf tournament?:?:

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