OK, Attended a wedding this weekend. Both of the newlyweds, whom we have known for a while have always told us how much they love and respect each other. And, up until the reception, I believed it at face value. Comes time to cut the wedding cake. They do. And then, apprently unable to resiste the shouting of "friends" to smash cake into each other's face and clothes, they do so. One really expeinsve weding dress, one expensive tuxedo all caked up. cake and iciing smashed all over the makeup job it took 45 minutes to do for the bride....gone. Look of shock on her parents faces..Disastrous. Poll: Smashing wedding cake into your new spouses face/clothes at the reception is OK or not OK.
If my wife wanted icing on her face. I would be happy to give her what she wants... after the reception :lol:
Not my style. We talked about that b4 the reception to make sure the other one wasn't going to do something they regretted later.
Tacky and immature in my opinion. For those weddings I've attended, I've always sat quietly hoping the bride and groom would not do this.
Not my thing and didn't do it. I haven't really seen it done at weddings I've gone to, but if the couple MUTUALLY decides that it is okay it is their day and they can do whatever they want (and will have to foot the bill for dry cleaning :lol. So I didn't want to say no never, but if someone asked my opinion whether they should or not I would say not unless they really want to. The worst thing is if one part doesn't want to do it and the other can't restrain themselves. Oy man. Not a good way to start the marriage!
Not okay. We talked about it before our wedding...his sisters and friends were egging it on. We told them flat-out "NO!"
We smashed, but only a small amount directly in the face, so as not to get any on the dress or tuxedo. I've been to weddings where the bride got drunk and got red wine or beer all over her dress, so nothing surprises me. And it's not like you're ever going to wear the dress again. Mine went to Goodwill after it sat in the closet for 5 years.
I think a full smash is sort of uncalled for, however my wife and I sort of smeared a little icing on each others' noses in a playful manner. What's the difference in that and having more than half your guests a bit sauced on free booze by the end of the reception? Its a practice that makes a wedding a bit more informal, but memorable. Look at the other traditions like the throwing of the bouquet or the flinging of the garter. I think most people are just too uptight about their weddings being absolutely, positively perfect anyway. They dump hundreds (thousands even!) into weddings and then wind up finding out later that they aren't even compatible. A wedding should be first and foremost a joyous occasion. Its not the size of the ring or the wedding but the love that brings people together that matters most.
We didn't do a full smash. I dabbed cake on his nose after I gave him a bite of the cake. We have a really sweet picture of his mother wiping the icing off of his nose. I don't dig the full out smash and rub, but I think a little playfulness is cute.
Didn't do the smash, but also don't have a problem with it. Related issue the AP just done a poll on marriage ceremonies and of the 11 main components the cake ceremony was 9 in popularity, only detested more by the Reception Line and the Group Dance (read Bunny Dance). http://www.ap-gfkpoll.com/pdf/AP-GfK_Brides.com_Topline.pdf
"Sort of uncalled for"? Isn't that like being almost pregnant or almost a virgin? And, if they "dump hundreds (thousands even!) into weddings and then wind up finding out later that they aren't even compatible", I would suggest that investing this amount and then engaging is disrespectful behavior might be an indicator of incompatibility. For us, it was a matter of respecting each other and the vows we took.
My husband and I got married young, or some might think so, I was 21 and he was 22. We smashed cake into each other - and I mean smashed! It was all in good fun though, we love to have fun together, and never thought of it as anything BUT fun! Here we are 12 years later, and I'm pretty sure he and I would both still do it if we were to get married today! :jester: But, I guess I'm just different, cause I love the group dances too! I was excited to do the chicken dance with my kids for the first time at the Mudcats game Friday night! :mrgreen: I just love to have fun wherever I am (and I don't drink either, which some people don't believe when they see me enjoying myself like I do!)
To each it's own.... it's their wedding and I don't think anyone else has the right to decide if THEY were inappropriate at THEIR wedding.
:iagree: BUT, I'd kill DH if he did it to me. :lol: You know how long it takes to put on 5 lbs of makeup for the wedding day? :lol::lol:
Yeah Hat, you're right. After reading my post again this morning (before reading your post), I thought the same thing. I guess I was trying too much to straddle the fence on the subject. I'll just say that I don't really care for the full face smash myself. However, that's between the groom and bride. Since most guests are at least acquaintances of the couple, they should be there for love and support and not be so judgemental over trivial differences.
I'm like you... we're just playful like that. And you're right RED... it's THEIR wedding! Not the judgmental people's wedding. I've always thought it to be a tradition, too.:lol:
Oh my... I've seen it where just a little icing is smashed (a tip on the nose, etc), but it sounds like they went a little further. Not my cup of tea, but to each her/his own.