RE Books We are planning shelving for another 1-2,000 paperbacks, if you want to donate them and take your tax credit. We are open Saturday 9-6, phone 661-6565, Thought I'd offer you the opportunity of sharing with all the neighbors.
I did not know you would want those type of books but now that I am aware I will bring all that we have not promised to people on here to that library. Sometimes the obvious just slides right by me. Thanks, Sherry
For those getting books from us, locally, please pass them along to a friend or to after reading. Thanks so very much, Sherry
OK gang. Thanks for the thoughts. As you know, the Cleveland Library is stocking paperbacks as well as hard covers, because our residents asked for them to go to the beach and because they are easier to hold and read in bed and bath and hammock. We also agreed to bring in a mixture of old and new authors and stories. In order to get some books fast, we accepted some books that were only fair quality, which we are already replacing as we find newer copies. By next weekend and in less than a year, we will have acquired over 40,000 books and videos in our collection for the residents of Cleveland Township. Our librarian has already purged over 1,500 books, which we are replacing. Duplicates and purged books are piling up for sale fast. We give some away for free and others for $.25 - $1. Like other libraries, we generally do not sell collection books. To raise funds, we will consider offers starting at $100 per book. Last week, Baptist Men built and brought us more shelves, which we are filling with another 2,000 books. The on-site "Bookmobile" conversion has been contracted/started - to hold another 6-12,000 books.
You are a wonderful person. Our family will have boxes of books for the library soon but are having a hard time finding the time to get them to you. We will figure out a way. Please know that we are donating them and they can be used in any way needed. Sherry
Most of the buttons will be gone tomorrow to a Member and we are glad to give them to anyone. Just a suggestion........I used buttons on my tablecloths and other items outside to weigh the fabric down. Using buttons instead of other items allows the cloths to be washed and dried easily. During the last thunderstorm the wind did not even budge those tablecloths on my deck. Yeah! Sherry
Our family has several cases of unopened Ensure that we would like to give to someone. We also have a bedside toilet that we would like to give to someone. I have different places and they cannot take these items for use on any person in the facility. Probably some government ruling. Just PM me if you or anyone you know would like to have these items for free. Sherry
Sherry, consider giving the potty to this group: They lend mobility equipment to any one who needs it, for how ever long they need it, regardless of their situation. Tell her I told you to call.
I have a few things to give away: 2 inkjet printers - - both work - - one needs a USB cable and both need ink. 1 17" (or it may be 19") computer monitor. It's one of the bigger, older models.
I called and she told me that they have two in stock and that they have been their for a while. She does not want another one at this time. She suggested I contact Salvation Army but I was hoping someone knew a person in need because we would just drop it off. Same with the Ensure. Thanks anyhow, Sherry