I swear I've almost gotten side swiped SEVERAL TIMES from people doing this crap. :boxing: This law should have been passed a long time ago.
Glad it passed - but probably won't stop most of them..... people still break the law all the time while driving.....(see my driving rant thread, lol)
Now if they would just ban people from talking while driving, we would be all set. I would be fine with using bluetooth as that what I use, but some of these people drive so bad when they are on the phone....
Yea, I think that will be a big problem. I suppose they could pull their records and charge them after an accident? Maybe they're hoping the $100 fine will deter people?
After thinking about this law a bit, I am disappointed, I won’t be able to text, email, eat my lunch, and read the newspaper while driving on 40. Now I will just have to read and eat lunch while driving on 40. :cheers:
isnt it easier to talk and drive instead? not that its ok either! texting is a pain, quicker to call and say your message
don't laugh been there done that... and talk on nextel while listening to Rome... :cheers::cheers::jester:
ENFORCE THE CURRENT LAWS. I am so tired of lawmakers trying to regulate every little detail of life when there are already laws on the books that require you to keep complete control of your vehicle at all times. This law is redundant. how about the guy trying to key an address into his GPS, how about the guy changing his radio, how about the guy yelling at his kids in the back seat. this is just another way for the crooks in Raleigh looking to make money. :xThis reminds me how mad the seat belt law makes me...
Yeah - now if they would just enforce it. Just think of all the money that could potentially be collected in fines - what a windfall that would be -- oh yeah - that's right, first they have to enforce it.
There is no way to enforce it. It is just another feel-good law brought to you by our local lawmakers that are paid out of our taxes to shut up some lobbying group. Imagine the time and effort spent on crap like this.
Here's an idea.....Let's resurrect COMMON SENSE! Why R they making laws, partially enforceable, at best, that should be controlled by mere common sense? Just my $.02
Everyone should just drive bumper cars like at the fair. When you see someone doing something stupid, you could wack em'