I would love to have this flower for my front yard. It has the combination colors of yellow, pink, fushia, and orange. What is it called and where can I find one? Thanks!
I have those same flowers in my side yard. I'd love to know what they are called as well. They are so pretty!!
Lantana there are 2 types, an annual (dies every year) and a perennial (comes back every year); this is the perennial. I have some, they are very hardy in hot dry weather.
Lantana, perennial, ours was given to us free from a nursery owner who said they grow "wild" in Florida. They apparently try to get rid of them down there because they spread quickly? I'm not sure about that, but around here they do not, and ours has come back a cutting from her for years and years. We've even passed a cutting along to my grandmother in the western part of the state and hers has thrived as well. Mostly around here in the nurseries you find annual versions that are purple and even some yellows and pinks. Wherever you saw this one, ask them for a cutting and root it.
You can get them at Lee's Produce on the corner of Main St and Robertson in Clayton. We have some yellow and also a hybrid with bright yellow and orange.
Yes, they are Lantana. Lowe's sells them also. I took all mine out of the backyard and put them in the front yard, WHY?, because I did NOT want the dogs or kids to pick them and put them in their Mouths,,,,, they are ONE of the POISIONOUS plants in North Carolina. Very toxic if eaten, so please be careful where you grow them. They are perennials and come back every year.
Hey Cake, I've got several of these in Tera Cotta pots. I picked them up at Lowe's a while back, half-off and half-dead. :lol: You can have one or two if you like. They are red, yellow, and orange. Send me a PM.
Is there an easy way to tell the difference between the perennial type and the annual type? I had a gorgeous one last year but it didn't come back. I went and got another, but it's not doing as well. I have no idea whether it's an annual or a perennial. And thanks for sharing the info regarding the plant's toxicity! That is good to know ... both my dogs think that all plants are "sticks" and thus are fair game for tug o' war. They already got my raspberry canes. :?
It's the unripe berries that are poisonous. http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/consumer/poison/Lantaca.htm
I've only found the Miss Huff variety to behave as a tender perennial. All the others I've seen are annuals. You just have to make sure you don't prune back the dead growth until spring, when you see new growth form. Too early pruning will kill the plant. Lantana are great for attracting butterflies, by the way. And most of the hybrids now are sterile forms that don't present berries.