I have seen Dance Art signs posted in neighborhoods now, that is the first time I have seen them advertising in neighborhoods and I think they were having a car wash fund drive the other week? What's the deal? Has their business slowed dramatically?
The car wash was a fund-raiser for the competition teams so that they can pay entry fees and buy costumes, etc.
They seem pretty busy to me! My daughter's class if FILLED, and I always have trouble finding an open space in the parking lot! I think the person above explained the carwash... the advertising, eh, never can have too much advertisement!
I know another thing, those signs on every corner make the area look junky. Same goes for the pressure washing signs that have popped up.
At least your neighborhood allows signs in the first place. Our HOA doesn't allow any of it! The bad thing is, they don't allow anything else either. We might as well be renting!