Monitor problem

Discussion in 'PC Help Desk' started by gcoats3, Jun 30, 2009.

  1. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    I have a Compaq FP 7317 monitor. Every time I start the computer the monitor just flickers off and on. I have been able to get it to stay on after pushing the monitor on/off switch several times and pushing the three (3) tabs beside the on/off button. The three buttons are labeled: (1) just a picture of a box with three lines and arrow pointing to center line, (2) - (3) +
    Once I get it to stay on there are no problems. Color and quality are excellent.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. trev47

    trev47 Well-Known Member

    Try pulling the power cord from the monitor for about a minute before reseating it. If this does not help try your monitor on a different PC to make sure that it is indeed the monitor.

    DAVIDMILLER1 Well-Known Member

    The first thing to go wrong with monitors are the capacitors on the circuit board. I am in the Air Force and we save money by repairing them ourselves and the main thing we see when we have a problem like that are the Caps. Replace them yourself cheap.
  4. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions. I tried the power cord. Did not help. I have to take it somewhere else to try with another computer.
    Is the circuit board somewhere inside the monitor?
  5. ncroxx

    ncroxx Well-Known Member

    Want one?

    I have 3 monitors-2 17" and one 15". These are the old school kind-NOT flat screen. But you are welcome to one if you need it. I'll be glad to meet you somewhere to pick it up. Just let me know.Again-these are the big CRT type-but you can have one if you want! Bob
  6. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Sounds like dirty contacts on the monitor. I get them every now and then on devices I switch on and off frequently.

    What I would do is buy a can of contact cleaner at Radio Shack. There is a distinct possibility that you won't even have to open it up, just spray in the cracks.
  7. ddrdan

    ddrdan Well-Known Member

    You're correct. Take it to another PC first. The circuit is behind the LCD Panel. Smell the vent holes, if you smell burnt electronics it's on it's way out.
    Most have multiple fuses on the board and could be the problem. But even the fuses have circuits in the fuse itself. Finding those to replace is next to impossible. Anyway, you can't solder the boards being manufactured now without special equipment.

    If you want inside, look for mounting screws on the rear. If none, the case can be pryed apart at the bezel edge on the front.

    Finding LCD inverters, power supplies, circuits and pretty much everything except the LCD panel is a lost cause. By the time you find the parts and have it fixed it's cheaper to by a new one. Especially a 17". 19's are $99 almost all the time now.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  8. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Thanks Bob, For now I am OK. It currently flickers for a couple of minutes and then comes on. As I said before the color and quality is excellent once it comes on.
    Many thanks for all the other suggestions.

    DAVIDMILLER1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is inside the monitor and u should see it when you take the back panel off. It's probably not the pwr cord.
  10. snowdio

    snowdio Well-Known Member

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