,2933,530361,00.html Where is the non-stop media coverage for soldiers who died defending this country so people like Micheal Jackson can have their careers? I'm not watching TV today because I am finding this media spectacle very disturbing. Makes you wonder what our priorities are and I am including myself in that. :?
I'm personally sick to damn death hearing about Jackson. What about the coverage of Farrah or Billy Mays (sp)? Didn't hear nothing about them did we? I don't watch the news anyway I read it online and skip over the crap I don't want to read. Most of it's JUNK anyhow. <stepping off soap box > :mrgreen:
I agree......poor Farrah suffered with Cancer. She was a very strong woman. But her death got pretty much pushed to the back burner once Michael died.
:iagree: i turn on the news to see the weather and thats it! nothing else worth watching! plus i read about anything and everything here.
I know I am injecting politics, but during the Bush years the media got called that nasty word "liberal" for providing wall to wall coverage of soldiers dying in Iraq.
You are missing the point. The point is, the soldier's life and their sacrifice is WAY more important than Michael Jackson. Politics have NOTHING to do with it.
When they first announced that MJ had been taken to the hospital that day- the first thing I said was 'I hope he doesn't die right now, because his death would overshadow Farrah's and Ed's'..... :? I do think its a little extreme and I really hate it for his family and real/close friends to have to put up with all this nonsense.
Well, I'm tired of all the media coverage as well...BUT we should accept that it is, afterall about Michael Jackson, who was internationally famous and influential in pop music and the Motown sound. This type of coverage was bound to happen. It is...afterall...a BIG new event and its expected that all the news stations are going to carry it. Farrah, while stricken with cancer, could never approach the popularity of MJ. Much of the country I suspect knew of her situation, watched the documentary and felt sympathy for her while learning of her struggle. However, her acting career had been waning for years and probably most outside the US wouldn't have been familiar with her. Billy Mays was an nationally-known pitchman for infomercials, whose fame had really only been short, did not generate the type of excitement a true celebrity would. Now, I'm not defending the news coverage, but adding a dose of reality. Michael was about as famous as Elvis (perhaps more so) in this current globalized generation. For all his wierdness, he will be celebrated. I liked much of his music, but I did not idolize him. I never shed one tear over him and only bought one of his albums as a youngster. I say give him his due and let it be. Pretty soon, all the news stations will have something else to harp on.
ok, I'm gonna be real tacky, but I heard that Farrah hated the media attention anyway... and when she reached the gates of heaven, St. Peter told her he would grant her 1 wish before she entered heaven.... and Farrah wished that all the children on earth would be safe and "poof" Micahel Jackson died. :jester: ok, kick my tail, go ahead, I deserve it :mrgreen: