:iagree: I also don't think it was the right place to have the children be introduced to the world. Michael spent their entire lives trying to shield them from the media and the minute he is gone they are in front of the cameras in front of millions of people. I didn't care for the guy, but that just doesn't seem like what he would have wanted. And I may not know better, but it seems like it may do more harm than good for them in the long run. I hope they don't get exploited and are kept in private.
Well, you do bring a good point. Michael did shield these kids for their entire lives behind closed doors and facial masks. They had a rightful place at the memorial service, but at the same time I have to wonder if the family may be putting their own kind of pressure on these kids to follow in their father's legacy. Afterall, Michael's brothers will never enjoy the kind of success Michael could generate, Latoya is...well, who knows and Janet is getting older. Michael's kids represent the family fortune, both present and future. You can't help but wonder if they'll be exploited and because they are "The Jacksons" their supporters will look the other way and defend them tooth and nail.
It has amazed me beyond belief how many people are in complete denial about who Michael Jackson the person really was. You're right that they will probably defend them and even encourage the kids to come into the spotlight. So sad.
I tell you what amazes me, is that people believe all the crap they read in magazines. They hold it as truth come hell or high water. No one knows what kind of person he was. People only know what the media spewed. The general public give the media way too much credibility in my opinion. I certainly would not judge someone I knew personally, much less a "star", based on what is printed to make money.
There is always some small truth in what they print or they get sued, but that truth may be very small. I think when the toxicology report comes back though we will see in black and white (no pun intended) that this was a man with a serious drug problem. And he did portray himself as weird in interviews and the way he conducted himself in public. That came straight from him and in and of itself painted a very disturbing and sad picture of how troubled he seemed.
I don't dispute that he was an odd person or lived an odd lifestyle and perhaps had a troubled childhood. He seemed very consumed with anxiety. Sad that fame can sometimes backfire like that. All I know is I don't and didn't care about the media garbage and I would not judge him by any of that. He was an awesome dancer, songwriter and a lot of the soundtrack of my life would include his and his brothers music.
The media wasn't the one dangling a baby over a railing that if he accidentally lost his grip the baby would've died... that was the last straw for me... he had himself to blame for a lot of his issues... or his family...
There was some goofball on one of the networks the other night defending the baby dangling incident to this day saying that Michael was only doing it so the fans could see the baby better. Yeah, with a blanket over its head!! I don't care who you are. Child endangerment is just that. Steve Irwin did the same thing when he dangled his son in front of a saltwater croc in its exhibit about a year before he died. Its not so much the danger (well, it is!) but the fact at using your own child for the sake of amusement in a hazardous environment.
I haven't been on here in days, so I'm a little behind... I watched the memorial service. Twice. I actually watched parts of it while cleaning on Tuesday, and DVR'd it and stayed up until midnight watching it in whole that night. I cried both times his daughter spoke, and would again if I saw it. I actually paid attention the 2nd time to see if I thought she was "faking it", and I definitely don't think she was. She's an 11 year old girl who just lost the only parent she's ever had, I don't think she'd have to fake it. MJ to me, was an icon. When I was a kid, I danced to his Beat It song all the time with my cousin, we even danced to it in front of the whole school when I was probably 7 or 8. And I was a shy kid! I had (my mom still has it) the MJ doll, and I have 1/2 dozen of his songs on my ipod, and I intend to get more on it. As far as he, the person goes, yes he was strange. A lot of the things we heard about him I'm sure were false, and some of it I'm sure was true. Dangling a baby from a balcony was stupid, absolutely. Did he molest kids? I hope not, but who knows? He was abused as a child, and if you have a brain you know that many kids who were abused become abusers. I'm sure he was a good father, though, or as good as he knew how. How many other child stars end up on drugs, or getting in trouble with the law? A lot, but they aren't held up on a pedestal like he was, they didn't sell 750 million albums like he did, they didn't break world-records like he did, so we don't hear about it as much. I say leave the man alone, he's dead now. If you don't want to hear about it, don't listen, don't watch it, whatever. And yes, there were many tributes to Farrah as well, I didn't watch them because I really didn't know anything about her, never watched her on TV. And my mom said she watched a Charlie's Angels marathon right after she died, so it was out there if you wanted to see it.
And no one has ever lied to get money before, right? How many kids spent time with him that never said he did anything, one kid says it and it's true? I'm not saying he DIDN'T do it, just saying I don't believe much said anymore. I don't trust a lot of people these days...
I can understand the sadness some feel. I happen not too in this particular case. I guess I am overly sensitive to the whole child molestation thing. He had no business being alone with underage children, much less sleeping in the same bed. Lack of judgement. I don't know whether he did or he didn't, but people should NOT put themselves in a position to be questioned. And just because only one said it DID happen, doesn't mean it didn't happen to others. Who wants to set themselves up for that kind of public scrutiny. I sure as heck wouldn't. And there are some pretty nasty statistics out there on the number of children perverts molest before they get caught.
saw a special and i believe it was Diane Sawyer going back over the interviews and talking to several people and evidently what they understood was that MJ started a lot of the crazy rumors himself to get the attention to keep his name in the public but then it got carried away, he never thought it would go so far with the rumors, he was just trying to get publicity. Personally i don't know, only those involved truly know the truth.
MJ vs Farrah The night they both died MJ was all over the tv on every station and I was thinking "bo-son, Farrah is getting ripped off." Then two major networks decided to run an hour long Farrah special then it was back to Jacko again. Oh well, it aint up to me but if I had to choose between them two white women to be on tv all nite... well ya'll know I like blondes.
Regardless of who I was... if someone lied about something like that I would never shell out even 10 bucks to make it go away. I will not buy my innocence when I'm 100 percent sure of it... 15 mllion to make it go away.. I imagine it was the description given of his unit by said victim...which was accurate.. Was it by luck... No, by sight...Mmmm
probably not, I didn't know him personally. I don't let my kids stay with strangers. I don't claim to know him or the details of his life like most folks.