The only people that will ever know the truth are the ones that were there/involved. It's sad all the way around. His childhood was sad, his kids are now sad...if there were kids abused/molested, that's sad, and if not, then that's sad as well, that people would lie about something like that in front of the world.
I wasn't trying to rile you up KB. I was just wondering if you would have let them stay with him. I agree about them not staying with strangers. I just wonder how many parents would have been in awe of MJ and let their kids stay the night without knowing him.
No... because if it was fact and he was willing to throw 15 million out there I would still want to see him do time and then see what the figure is after his butt is in jail... But it is a very intriguing offer to say the least... And I Assume that a lot would've taken the money.
but if you believe he did molest kids, which means you believe what you have read, ( I mean, nobody here knows him, that much I AM CERTAIN) then why don't you believe the stuff written and/or read about him not doing it?
and aren't we all forgetting that he had a trial a few years after that and he was found innocent on like 8 or 9 counts? i honestly think if there was anything to it he would have been found guilty on something.
I can only speak for myself and I haven't forgotten he was aquitted on all charges and that the one kid said he was put up to the allegations against MJ, by his father, for money.
I haven't read your link, I will in a minute. But what business does a grown man have with "sleepovers" with young boys at his house? If it were girls would we be having this converstation? Honestly, I'm not saying the man did it, because I wasn't there, but WHY would he do that? You know I luv ya, but that is way weird and inappropriate. Again, not saying he absolutely did it, but man, I have a hard time believing he didn't.
Yeah Ok.... So how did victim come up with a accurate description than??? Just saying. and OJ and Robert Blake didn't kill anyone either.
I don't dispute his 'weirdness' never have, never will. I am just simply saying, none of us were there, none of us knew him personally and if you believe what you have read about the allegations, then why don't you believe what was read (or written) about it NOT happening? that's all. and for the record, I know folks that sleep with their kids, one in particular and their daughter is in 5th grade, I think that is BIZ-ARRE with with a capital B, but who am I to judge? and I love you too girl!!:mrgreen:
i'm not trying to give you a hard time but where did you here about the accurate description? i'm just curious.