In a daze

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by peaches, Jul 7, 2009.

  1. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry :grouphug:
  2. Bren

    Bren Well-Known Member

    HG, let me know too. I can relate.
  3. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 14 yr old baby to cancer three years ago. Nothing had prepared me for the pain that followed. Even though I have another baby to love, I still think of my Sandy every day. But I will tell you that in time, the pain does subside and the happy thoughts and memories replace the sadness. Now when I think of her, it brings a smile to my face. I find myself thinking...I remember when she did that and I laugh. So let yourself feel bad now but know it will get better!
  4. snowdio

    snowdio Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry. Anytime I hear of someone losing a beloved pet family member it makes me tear up. I'm actually tearing up after seeing your pet's picture.
    Again I am sorry for your loss she looks like she is a real beauty.
  5. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much everyone. I may have to take the picture down or just stop logging in to this thread. She really was beautiful. Happy, playful, noisy, protective, loyal, smart.

    Please forgive me if I don't come back here or respond anymore. I can't take it.
  6. youdontsay

    youdontsay Active Member

    What a lovely girl. How fortunate you both were to have each other. I am so sorry for your loss. :cry:
  7. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    You guys have been great! We've been remembering so many good things about her this week, and I put a puppy picture of her on DH's nightstand that makes him smile. She always slept beside him on the floor on a bed he got for her (in the picture) so it is hard for him to not have her there at night. She was precious and we will always have wonderful memories.

    We rescued her, and believe strongly that since we have the circumstances and the means, we should adopt another one that needs help. My husband saw on craigslist that there were orphaned abandoned puppies at the Harnett Cty shelter. He went to look, and brought home a 1.8 pound 5 week old golden retriever/chow mix. Her name is....wait for it.....Peaches. :)

    My Griz would be proud. She has already growled! She will be going to the vet tomorrow to make sure she's healthy, and to be sure I'm feeding her everything she needs as a tiny baby. Baby formula, soft puppy food, dry puppy food and water so far. Let me know if I'm doing it wrong but I'll ask Dr B tomorrow.

    Love ya!
  8. seabee

    seabee Guest

  9. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    the new dog will help you keep your mind off your old one. i adopted another cat 2 weeks after i lost mine-i couldnt stand not having one.i will always love pengie and i have my sad moments but having siamen helps!
  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    How great, what a lucky little puppy:hurray::hurray:
  11. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    Peaches, I just saw this and I am so sorry for your loss. Yes the worm their way into your heart big time. I am happy to hear about the new puppy. Definitly will keep you busy. I have some puppy training pads, almost a full bag if you want them. Also some puppy training spray. Let me know.
  12. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    awesome about Peaches, Peaches. :mrgreen: what a lucky pup indeed. Post some pictures once you get her fattened up!! :grouphug:
  13. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    We just got home from the vet and she's already 2.4 pounds since Friday! She's doing great. I'll post pics soon. Thanks FF for the offer but I'm going to crate train and not use puppy pads. That's the plan anyway... I appreciate the offer.
  14. youdontsay

    youdontsay Active Member

    You did that puppy a huge favor, plucking her out of the Harnett Co. shelter! She won't ever replace Griz, but each of them will bring something new to your life and enrich it in different ways. :)

    I have a Harnett County rescue too, and he's truly the best little dog. We've had him a year and a half; he's come a long way. He doesn't look much like his rescue picture now.

    Best wishes to you and Peaches. :mrgreen:
  15. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I am sorry

    I have been out of town and just saw this.... she was a sweet sweet girl... I am so sorry for your loss.

    Congrats on the new puppy!!
  16. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I know everyone deals with the loss of a pet differently, and we were not trying to replace Grizzy because that would not be possible. That being said, we are having a ball with Peaches. She's my new av.

    She has more than doubled in size in the 2 weeks since she came to live here. 4 pounds today! The best part is that Coco (our 4 year old Chow mix) is acting like herself again. She's a super happy dog and she's eating and playing again. I was getting worried about her. She is skinny anyway and she hadn't eaten for days.

    She is even doing pretty well with the potty training. Sort of. Thank goodness for wood floors. I guess we can't expect too much yet. After all, 7 weeks ago she didn't even exist. She is going to need some serious training because she is extremely rebellious already. Our neighbor said she's going to be wearing a headset listening to AC/DC in a few more weeks. :lol:

    I have some cute pictures but for some reason can't get them off my camera tonight. But that's a subject for another thread.

    Thanks for listening - that was fun!

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