GCAA Fall Rec Soccer Registrations Now Open

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jeffm3434, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    GCAA Rec Soccer Registrations Open

    2009 Fall Rec Soccer Registrations at GCAA are now open at www.gcaasoccer.com. Registrations are for U04 (under age 4) through U15 (under age 15) age groups. Important dates, fees, and details of play for each age group are also on our website.

    Registrations end July 25. Practices will begin in late August, and games will start in early September. There is a significant amount of planning involved including ordering uniforms and other supplies, so there will be no late registrations.

    Don't forget to sign up to volunteer as a coach, assistant coach, or team parent. Remember, the GCAA is a community organization and run by all volunteers. With your help, we will have another successful season. Some of our coaches have moved to the Challenge program or their children have aged out of some of our teams, so there are coaching positions to fill in all the leagues. Please consider signing up and plan to attend our coaches meeting and training before the season starts. You can get more information about volunteering on our website.

    We encourage you to register now at www.gcaasoccer.com. You may register now and pay closer to the end of registrations. To do this, you must select Pay By Check when you checkout. Then you can go back in and pay by credit card later or bring cash to our walk-in registration. (Reminder, we do not actually accept checks, only Visa, MasterCard, or cash.) We will offer one walk-in registration date at the Ag Building on the GCAA campus on Saturday, July 18 from 9 AM to Noon. Registering early will help secure your child’s spot on a team.

    Please feel free to forward the above information to any friends or neighbors who have children who might be interested in joining us for Fall Soccer.

    Jeff Martin
    GCAA Board Member and Rec Soccer Chairperson

  2. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  3. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    Don't forget to sign up soon. Registrations end July 25th.
  4. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    We will offer one walk-in registration date at the Ag Building (building behind the gym) on the GCAA campus on this Saturday, July 18 from 9 AM to Noon.

    We still encourage you to register online ahead of time and use this walk in registration time primarily as a time to come in and pay by cash or drop off copies of birth certificates (new registrants only).

    Jeff Martin
    Rec Soccer Chairperson
  5. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    Final Notice...

    Registrations end in 3 days, this Saturday, July 25.

    Plans and preseason preparations are well underway, and we expect to have another great season!

    Also, don't forget if you're interested and willing to coach, we could use a few extra coaches.

    Jeff Martin
    GCAA Rec Soccer Chairperson
  6. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  7. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    Hi momof3grls,

    As you said, we have been able to make this work in the past and this is something we are very interested in continuing to make happen. We think it is a great idea for our local high school players to serve as coaches (or assistant coaches) and role models for our future soccer stars. :)

    We have seen the younger kids really respond to these older kids and think it is a very positive thing for our community and the future of our program.

    Please email me at info@gcaasoccer.com and we can discuss the specifics.

  8. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    So I went through the website a bunch of times, and I just want to verify the cost. Is the only cost the $55 registration fee? I can't find any other fees listed for the Rec League. We're looking at enrolling our 3 year old. Thanks!
  9. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    Thank you for the information. I will register my daughter today.
  10. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Well, it looks like the U4 teams are all full. We're on the waiting list.
  11. jeffm3434

    jeffm3434 Well-Known Member

    The waitlist system was implemented to make sure we keep a check on how many coaches are needed versus the amount of players registered. There are only a few kids on the waitlist at the moment, and we do not intend to turn anyone away that is registered before this Saturday night's deadline. However, if you or anyone you know of is interested in coaching for any league, please have them sign up at www.gcaasoccer.com, Registrations.

    As soon as kids are pulled from the waitlist, their parents will receive an email notifying them of this and how to go back in and pay. It is possible that this email will not go out until after Saturday's registration closes.

    $55 is the only fee for the U04 age group for one season of soccer. $65 is for U06 and U08. $65 + $20 uniform fee is for U10 and up (in the Spring, they will not need to pay the uniform fee unless they need a new size or have lost or damaged their uniform).

    We really appreciate your interest and look forward to a great season. Please use info@gcaasoccer.com as the quickest way to get answers to any questions regarding GCAA Rec Soccer registrations or throughout the season.
  12. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    Thanks Jeff! Hopefully we get onto a team. Our little guy is super athletic and we're hoping he'll really enjoy soccer. I keep an eye on my email.
  13. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    You can always volunteer to coach and guarantee your child a spot. ;)

    It's really not that hard, I mean you have to go anyway. I found that once you *do* make that jump and make it clear to the parents that that is why you volunteered - so that your kid and their kids could play - they are more than willing to step forward and help out.
  14. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

  15. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009
  16. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I wish we could, but unfortunately the fall is a really hectic time for us. Dh is traveling a lot for work, and I'm caught between deadlines and overtime, my masters program, and sitting for the CPA exam. Hopefully we'll be able to cut back enough next year that one of us can volunteer, but this year it's just not going to happen.
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I'm not knocking you or your busy schedule but you still have to be there for practices/games, right? You can still volunteer to coach and select an Asst Coach from one of your parents to act as Coach when you are unable to attend. Just a friendly suggestion. :)
  18. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: Hubby coached for 2 seasons, had never done it before, never even played soccer except in gym in highschool. He owns his own business and has meetings at night a lot, but I think there was only one time he had to miss a game, due to being out of town, other than that it wasn't any big deal. And his team went to the championship game both seasons!!! (won the 1st season, lost the 2nd, but still did great!)

    We're trying to figure out what to do with our kids this year...My 3 yo loves soccer, but think GCAA is a little "advanced" for him, so he's doing indoor in Raleigh right now, it's more his speed. 6 yo loves baseball, thinks he wants to do soccer, but he's not very agressive, and last time he played he cried every game...9 yo isn't sure what he wants yet. Decisions, decisions...
  19. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    I volunteered to coach so my daughter and others can play. :hurray:

    LETSGOEERS!!! Well-Known Member

    The Cleveland School fields should to be closed for a few years to be graded and reseeded before any kid should be allowed to play on them. There is very little grass left after years of over use. There is glass and ankle breaking craters all over these fields. You parents need to go check out these fields before you allow your kids to play and get hurt on them.

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