Cop acted 'stupidly'??....and the 'fearless leader' did not?!?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Salvation, Jul 24, 2009.

  1. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Sgt. Jim Crowley is an American hero in my opinion.

    I am sick of this 'new America' where people can not even refer to a race other than their own without it being 'racist'. Officers can not even do their jobs out of fear that some bigot will attempt to cry 'racism'.

    Henry Louis Gates Jr. got what he deserved. He acted like a complete clown and when the audio finally goes public I think many people will see that he was actually treated BETTER than he deserved. Then we have Obama jumping on the 'race wagon' and speaking before he even has the details.

    Way to heal, 'great healer'. Just as I predicted before Obama won the election.......race issues will take a step backward by at least 20 years in this Country.

    I get fed up with folks who are too timid to call it like it is in this Country anymore.

    Obama was WRONG on this and Gates is the racist not the good Sgt. Crowley who did every thing he could to keep the thing from escalating. I hope Crowley sues and wins and they make Gates do a little community service in the neighborhood. Maybe they could give him a shirt that says 'BIGOT' on the back.

    Check out the police report on Smoking Gun and watch the news for the audio tapes over the weekend.

  2. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    We have a thread on the other side about this, but there may be folks that aren't registered there that may want to discuss here as well. I also agree with you.
  3. Jalen

    Jalen Well-Known Member


    Ya know. I'm also tired of President Obama constantly focusing on the problems of our country. Yes we have our problems, but I still think we live in the best country on the planet. Maybe I have selective hearing, but it seems the Pres is always stating how bad our country is and it's getting old to me. I'm not an expert, but I also think we have the best healthcare in the world, not perfect, but the best compared to others. Although I do think we need insurance reform(just not a govt run program). And racism is a two way street, but that makes me think of hate crime bills. How in the world can you get rid of racism with a race based program?(I do know hate crime also includes sexual orientation).
    Whew, that actually felt good to vent a little. I have no solution so that is all I was doing, venting. Please sincerely pray for the leaders of our local and national leaders.
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised George W. Bush hasn't been blamed for it yet. The only thing I've heard said that Crowley should have refrained from was the improper timing of him saying that he didn't vote for Obama. He should of just said that he did his job to the best of his ability and left it at that.
  5. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    there's still already a topic about this.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    No reason the lurkers can't have something to read. ;)
  7. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Redundant parallel threads are bad. Where do you express your opinion on the topic? In this one? In the other one? Both? Its just badsauce.
  8. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    Well in my opinion it sure isn't on the other thread. As usual it's been hijacked by the drum beaters. JMHO.:beathorse:
  9. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    OK, my opinion is that once an officer responding to a possible break in discovers there was no break in, no prior criminal activity, andno future criminal activiity indicated that should be the end of the story. Arresting someone in their own home after confirming it is their own home is a bit stupid in my opinion.

    It is also stupid to take out whatever frustrations one has on anyone doing their job in trying to help you regardless of whether you have been traveling for a long period of time and any prior encounters with this agency.
  10. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I don't see the big deal, each thread has a different tone and I think that thoughtful posts like Jalen's might have gotten lost in the other thread while we're busy dissecting every little facet of the story.
  11. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Might be stupid to be so thin skinned that your ego gets hurt when someone in their own home starts insulting you. Proper procedure is once you learn there is no crime being committed, then leave. No need to arrest someone because they are insulting you when you've come on their property.

    Of course some of us value people's property rights more than we want to live in a police state.
  12. lgb0250

    lgb0250 Well-Known Member

    If your house has been reported as being broken into by two "black men" and then the police show up and the "two black men" don't want to provide proper id and then all of a sudden turn it into a racial incidence, then good. Go to jail idiot. I am so sick and tired of hearing about how much the blacks are being oppressed. Give me a break. Let's see. We have Black History Month but no White History Month!! We have the NAACP but no NAAWP? We have the National Black Nurses Association, the National Association of Black Journalist, The Black Caucus of The American Library Association, The National Black Republican Association, etc, etc, etc, etc. Now this isn't considered racist is it??? But, if you all of a sudden took the word "Black" out of these organizations and added the word "White", the stuff would surely hit the fan. :beathorse::beathorse::beathorse:
  13. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    But he did provide proper id before the arrest. So once the id was shown, the officer had no reason to be there and no reason to arrest or detain. It was time for the police to leave and not be worried that the homeowner could talk more smack than he could.
  14. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Gates manipulated this entire situation for his own ulterior motives and like Steve mentioned on another thread the cops blindly took the bait, which is sad because I hate to see this sorry SOB get his 15 mins of fame sitting down with his buddy the President for a cold brew to talk about race relations. But I don't like what Gates so I must be a racist.
  15. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Sounds like you're agreeing with President Obama that the cops are stupid then because they fell for the manipulations of Gates.

    A first for everything I suppose.
  16. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    No. I think that's what is referred to as an ASSumption. Not a first for around here. :mrgreen:
  17. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    So you are saying they were NOT stupid for falling for the
    manipulation? That would seem to mean either the manipulation was so good it could not be resisted by a mere cop or that it was a good idea to fall for it.
  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I say Gates shouldn't expect an apology, the LEO doesn't need one and Obama should have not involved himself with it. He's already said that he overreacted and that's close enough to an apology. Let bygones be just that and quit making a big deal out of something that isn't. Nobody lost their job, there were no charges filed and its just time for those who feel victimized to move on because the American people are the true victims for having to listen to this kind of stuff. Everybody involved has overreacted.
  19. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    They fell for it because how could they know this nutcase was a racial bigot with a grudge and desire to see such a drama unfold! So yes, you could say his manipulation was so good (and disgusting) that they unknowingly fell for it by simply doing their jobs.
  20. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    This whole thing was a non-issue that I only recall hearing about in passing in the media (wonder who even tipped them off to such a petty incident..hmmm), but then it went away and would have been nothing had our great President not decided to give his own two cents, which then brought about the totally unnecessary crapstorm that has now ensued.

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