Really quick. Who is this a quote from? Your "typical" Christian, NY9? A gold star for the person who answers correctly.
That spot that was under the ankle bracelet still irritating you? Try some Booty Goo - For Goo Goo Ga Ga Babies
No .... No..... wait .... Don't tell me .... I know your next line .... "I know you are but what am I?"
Not sure what NY9 has against the south but I've lived in 13 states, from Maine to California and even Alaska for a few months (military dad) and there were parts that I loved about each one and parts I hated about each, but every single one contained a group of people that could be characterized as "Red Neck" or "Country Folk", you had your drinkers, your smokers, your boot wearing, snuff pinching, tobacco chewing/spitting groups. All you had to do was take a drive down the highway and you could found them anywhere. Esp. in NY and PA, where by the way I've heard several people other than my family comment on the lack of teeth in them there hills, no offense to those on this board from there that are truely nice people. NY9, word of advice. Just get over yourself or get some help with your anger issues and prejudice for the south, it just shows your ignorance (which measures in large amounts) and this is coming from someone that grew up on the west coast. JMHO.
God forbid, not Ormly. Or, could it be he wears his panties too tight, ouch! He needs to start thinking about switching to briefs, maybe MJ or Charlie could give him some pointers.