Henry Gates Jr. ........this just keeps getting better.....

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Salvation, Jul 27, 2009.

  1. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    My goodness, now because the lady that called the police and 'reported the break-in' has gotten a bunch of death threats.......she has 'lawyered up' and denied anything other than making a simple call......

    what a load.....'gutless' comes to mind.......'political correctness'.......'fear'......

    I have a copy of the police report and I find it VERY hard to believe this officer lied to the extent this lady is talking about....no way....

    This story if FAR from over....

    We have the 'Bigot Professor' who knew exactly what he was doing......and the 'caller' who fears for her life because of all the death threats.......so now damage control kicks in.....we all lawyer up and start denying reality. I love America!


    Police report........

  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Good....the more this reminds everyone of our idiot President Osama the better.
  3. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

  4. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Now 3 parallel threads... Hey, i got an idea! lets just make every new post a new thread!
  5. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I'm amazed at the big deal of a 911 caller referring to two suspected criminals as being black. Its a description and not derogatory. If she did say black, what of it? That was an adequate description of the two men that she saw.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Well, you know how it goes. These threads get off topic and really starting over is the only way to keep the train of thought on the tracks. I'm guilty of it, too.
  7. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Was she on the C train into Caimbridge or was she riding the H train into Harvard???
  8. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Yes... because it will be a different group of people responding to this thread than it was the last 2. And they will feel entirely with a new thread topic than they did previously. If this had been posted on that previous thread, it would have been ignored... clearly.

    Starting a new thread on the same topic to provide your view point (or even new data) is akin to yelling over a debate to get your point across. its saying "HEY! I'M MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU OTHER PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS SAME SUBJECT, LISTEN TO ME BECAUSE I HAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT VIEW POINT IN THE ROOM."
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Is it ever any different on other message boards? You always have hundreds (if not thousands) of members on a given board, yet only a dozen or so do the bulk of the posting.
  10. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Which doesn't change anything about the point i just made about starting a new thread. most forums have more than an absentee moderator, who merges these topics together.
  11. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    does this bother you more because you have been a board moderator? You're just very touchy about this seemingly trivial thing. :confused:
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    "Let me be clear: She never had a conversation with Sgt. Crowley at the scene," Murphy told CNN by phone. "And she never said to any police officer or to anybody 'two black men.' She never used the word 'black.' Period."


    In the police report, filed by Crowley, he says he spoke with Whalen outside the home before he approached Gates' house.

    "She went on to tell me that she observed what appeared to be two black males with backpacks on the porch of Ware Street," the report says. "She told me that her suspicions were aroused when she observed one of the men wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry."

    Murphy also disputed accounts of her client as a white woman in the traditional sense. "The fact is, she's olive-skinned and of Portuguese descent. You wouldn't look at her and say, necessarily, 'Oh, there's a white woman.' You might think she was Hispanic," Murphy said.
  13. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    Actually, kindof... and because i post on other boards where things like this are swiftly dealt with as opposed to going on for ages until they become 3 separate flame wars, instead of one singular one. Its like playing a bad video game for me at this point... "HOW COULD YOU **** THAT UP, ITS SO EASY?!"
  14. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Cambridge has a large portuguese showing there... Right in the area Patrick Ewing played high school ball..
  15. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    He said/she said. Question is who has more of a reason to lie about it? Crowley had no idea the storm that was coming so he had no reason to try and cover up anything in the report. This woman, on the other hand, clearly has her reasons for wanting to backtrack.
  16. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member


    Bingo. We have a winner.

    1.) Cop reports it as he finds the situation. Nothing to fear or hide.

    2.) Woman only 'lawyer's up' and disputes story after constant death threats through the end of the week.

    Ray Charles could see right through this hot mess.

    Partial moral of the story........"some remain steadfast under pressure, others fold and hire a lawyer out of fear for their life"...(I can't kick the lady too hard because not every one can handle the fear)

    That's why some folks join the Marine Corps and others greet folks at Wal-Mart. We are all cut out differently. The key is to be able to call it like it is. We must not let 'fear' cloud our sense of 'right & wrong' in these situations.......nor must we let fear taint reality or cloud the lens of justice.

  17. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Speaking of being steadfast under pressure. Crowley was cool as a cucumber on the police tapes. All the while you can hear Gates in the background carrying on.
  18. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    So you assume one direction is the truth because why?
  19. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Well, now we've heard the tapes of her 911 call. Not only did she not say "2 black men," when the 911 operator asked her if they were white, black or hispanic, she didn't know. She said one had gotten inside before she got a good look, and the other might have been hispanic.
  20. VolleyGirl

    VolleyGirl Guest

    Because I can smell these rats. Why do you assume one direction is the truth?

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