There is actually a science behind having the drinking age as 21. One reason is that a teen's brain does not reach maturity until early to mid 20's. The way alcohol affects the brain while growing is very different than the way it effects a fully mature brain and body. For example, a person who begins drinking before 21 is 5 times more likely to become an alcoholic than a person who waits until age 21. Also, whoever thinks someone driving while under the influence of marijuana is safer than someone drinking and driving is also misled. It is a common mistake for people to believe that marijuana is a "safer" drug, but I can give you many scientific facts to dispute that as well (coming off my soap box)
The age of majority should not be situationally dependent. If an 18 yr old can enter into a contract to purchase a house, join the military, vote, , get married and go to prison, it begs the question why they are not considered mature enough to choose whether or not to drink alcohol. That said, as the only adult I know my age who never inhaled (except for a controlled burn demonstration as an Army Lieutenant) and growing up in the Old Army, where alcohol and tobacco was OK, but THC was equal to "Reefer madness", I have reluctantly come to believe that marijuana poses less of a risk for its use, and represents an untaxed commodity that could be utilized, with concurrent reduction in the overcrowding of the courts and jails. I can just picture the expertise of NC tobacco farmers putting their high yiedl approach to the new taxable weed.
Yes, that was a given. Are you saying they don't need their brains, or at least fully developed ones? Because that is insulting.
I agree with the effects of alcohol on an underdeveloped brain argument, I also think one of the reasons for raising the age was due to alot of 18YOs still being in HS and the availablity of alcohol to younger classmates.
Then you need to take most senior citizens off the Sunday afternoons after church is one the most dangerous times to be on the road around this area. It's the only time of the week alot of the seniors get out.
"Personally, I would rather share the highway with someone who is stoned over someone who is drunk any day of the week." I love this quote! haha I definitely agree too!
my .02 not yes.....but HELL YES!! I suggest any and all seek out the documentary entitled "the Union". Thought provoking,and it will make your blood boil in a lot of ways.Just the $$ benefit alone of taxing it should make this question moot.