So....cholesterol tests......

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kdc1970, Aug 4, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I just got the results from the first one I've had in ages by mail. Yes, I KNOW I can call my doctor, but I am sure they are busy. Yes, I know how to google and have done so. Too many sites, LOL.

    Total Cholesterol 152
    HDL 40
    LDL 94
    Triglycerides 91

    If I am reading all the ranges correctly, I am perfectly healthy and am even on the good side. Am I reading that right? Reason I'm asking is DH's are not even close to mine and not in a good way. So I'm thinking since I do all the cooking round here, that it may not be my cooking and more his family history. He's got an appt coming up too. Fun and games.
  2. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Those are good numbers kd! Yes, if you cook healthy and he still has issues then i would say family history. Unless he is sneaking the fat soaked food while he is away from the house. 8) If you're hubby's Tri number is high that is a direct result of too much sugar.

    My hubby is skinny and eats right, but his numbers reflect the issues that both his parents have with Cholesterol.......

    He takes fish oil omega 3 pills and 1 aspirin a day to help.... it has lowered it greatly.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Thanks Red! Got the fish oil already for him, will have him try the aspirin too. OK, so he has been working on his diet while eating out (mostly for work) so I think we are on the right track. It sucks getting old. You gotta worry about stuff like diet, exercise, all those boring things, LOL. Now, if I can just lose some extra poundage, I should live forever! :jester:
  4. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Interesting reading on the subject:

    The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It
    by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick
  5. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    just got my 20 yr old daughters in the mail last week....

    total cholesterol 213
    HDL 60
    LDL 131
    triglycerides 109

    i know nothing about this.
  6. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I'll check that out, but unfortunately the family history does not bode well. His grandfather dropped dead at 52, his dad had a bad heart attact at 52 as well and would have died had he not been a block from the hospital. No blood pressure, no pulse. Emergency bypass. It was BAD. :? He's had another one since. On the other hand, my mom's cholesterol is sky high. Mine is apparently fine. Go figure???
  7. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    From what I am reading, she may want to start taking a closer look at her diet/excercise.
  8. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    i'm reading that too. she's not overweight yet, but she lives off of fast food. we've changed that. does the fish oil help?
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    Don't know yet, haven't gotten DH to take it regularly yet. Lots of folks swear by it though. Can't hurt, might help. And yeah, that fast food is killer. :?
  10. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    My grandfather's was down to 365 when he had a physical on his 82nd birthday. (Previous year it had been 420) He lived to 84, died in his sleep, and smoked no-filter camels for 70 years. Genetics do mean a lot.
  11. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I can attest to the fact that losing weight and getting exercise can have a dramatic impact on your cholesterol numbers. Mine went from borderline unhealthy numbers to being in normal guidelines. That was with just a loss of 30 pounds.
  12. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    That's awesome!...but not for your DH. Last time mine was checked I think it was 192. I don't remember the HDLs and the LDLs. DH's was 320 something. I was thinking the other day that it's time for a follow up... Also time for a new crown. lol... now all I have to do is find my big girl panties and get it over with!
  13. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    KDC, the total # isn't bad at all. It's great. But they( cardiologists) really want to look at that HDL & LDL. For women: Anything less than 200 is great for total cholesterol. HDL, is anything above 50. The higher the # than 50, the better. The ONLY way to raise your HDL is thorugh exercise. LDL needs to be less than 100 to be optimal and yours is dead on! Triglycerides need to be less than 150. So, overall, you are excellent!!! Just raise the HDL a little bit. Wished my #'s looked as great as yours. My total cholesterol went from 234 to 202 in a matter of a few months so I was thrilled. Also, that 202 is most likely totally off as I indulged terribly on a fat fest weekend at a bbq--LOL. So, doc thinks it will go down as well. Nonetheless, they wanted to put me on statins. I'm not taking htem and they know it. I'm being retested in December. Watch out for those taking statins and do your research. Also, there is quite a bit out there in regards to research that my be debunking this cholesterol stuff. JUst saying do your research before taking anything. Genetics are huge factors as well. Unfortunately, I have horrible heart genetics. Now, has the fish oil stuff worked for any of you??

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  14. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    I thought Omega 3's are supposed to raise the good cholesterol?
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Haven't heard that one yet. Do let me know! My cardiologist said nothing about it. I used to study/ intern in cardiopulmonary rehab years back. YEARS back--LOL. We were always taught only exercise to raise HDL. Don't know as I've been out of the loop for so long. My cardiologist will usually suggest stuff but he said nothing about Omega 3's. Now you've got me doing more research. Keep the advice coming...I love htese type of threads as I learn so much. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  16. Shadow Rider

    Shadow Rider Well-Known Member

    Good call on the statin drugs. A little research and you can find a lot of links between them and ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), especially if you start them before your 50s.
  17. shelly3

    shelly3 Active Member

    There are lots of things you can do to try and raise your HDL. Aerobic exercise is probably the best way and best for overall health anyway. Quitting smoking is also a great way. Weight loss helps. Lowering intake of saturated fats (dairy products, butter, cheese, red meats, etc) is recommended. Increasing fats for polyunsaturated (canola, corn, etc) and monounsaturated (nuts, olive oil, etc) sources will also help. Omega 3's in the form of pills can be of benefit. You could also add flaxseed to the diet- Wlamart sells ground flaxseed in the baking aisle- you can add that to cereal in the morning and useit in muffins or whatever.
  18. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    Current reccomendations for cholesterol:

    Total <200
    Triglycerides <150
    HDL > 40 men, > 50 women
    LDL < 100 no known heart disease, < 80 with known heart disease

    Triglycerides can be lowered by eliminating simple carbs from your diet- pastries, desserts, sodas. Eat Whole grains!

    HDL can be raised most effectively by exercise. Niacin can help, is most effective in prescription strength.

    LDL can be lowered with Red Yeast rice, works a lot like statin drugs(drugs to treat cholesterol)

    Other helpers- losing weight, diet-the Mediteranian diet is still the diet of choice- lots of fruits and veggies, healthy fats- Olive and canola oil in moderation, nuts, fish, esp high in Omega 3's, whole grains. Foods the way God gives them to you!
    Exercise!!! Walking is the best form of exercise for most everyone!
    Other things reported to help that can't hurt- cinnamon, fiber, flax seed
    Quit smoking
    One glass of wine a day if you drink now- don't start just for health benefits
    If you have diabetes, keep your blood sugars within the normal range and as consistent as possible

    Research is always looking for the "answers". Recommendations change based on what is found to be the most helpful. Your doctor has to practice medicine within the guidelines of what is standard care, and make his recommendations based on current accepted practice. Research may one day guide him or her in a new direction in your care. Is controling cholesterol the best way to prevent heart disease? It is according to current guidelines.

    All I can think of at midnight, lol Hope this helps!
  19. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    thanks for all this information. my daughter weights 114 so she can't afford to lose 20 or 30 lbs. but we are changing what she eats..trying to get her to eat healthier and getting her to exercise more.

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