what's your favorite new food? drink? discovery? book? gotta have, can't live without..... for me, my latest addictions: lemon broccoli pasta recipe I discovered about a month ago, diet green tea, learning to run, miller 64 beer.....oh and dark grape/purple nail polish on my toes.
100 cal english muffins with sugar free peanut butter, organizing everyone and everything, the beautiful flower pots on my front porch, home improvement of any kind, HGTV.....cant get enough!
red bull, Lipton green tea with Citrus, mafia wars, and though they are not my latest, but I still have them: Mt. Dew, and beer (I'll try just about any type at least once) edit......Forgot to put down harrassing kb as much as possible. :lol:
. . <-- Midori Also... i just discovered this thing called sleep... and i'm enjoying it quite a bit. i should be getting some pretty soon now.
Oh wow, hadn't heard that in years about the beer w/TJ - my father in law always drank his that way with a little bit of salt - yuck to me since i don't drink either but he loved it:cheers: