I'll bet he doesn't complain about what she fixes for breakfast anymore! (Not that it's a justification for him needing 50 stitches) :shock:
He said - She said....He got the stitches, she got the time. AND, according to Walter Cronkite (RIP)...."That's the way it is".
Yea they got to ban violent cartoons. She probably learned that from Wilma Flintstone hitting Fred over the head with the frying pan when he complained about her cooking.
"...but they still together." -Mr. & Mrs. Brooks skit, Living Color I don't have to worry about that. I take care of my own breakfast. Although, my boy said something off the wall yesterday that I thought I might get a pan in the head for. I asked him a question and in front of his mother, he says, "I don't know...ask your gal pal." <gulp>