Stroller set up in middle of intersection of Sub, by kids

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Neighborhood MoM, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    This is very true and a lesson I am learning on the other side. 8)
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I know... just LOOK at this **** jumping post. <gasp>

    Honey, you came out with both guns blazing. You even made a point to slap VG's wrist in regards to her Shakespearean quote, ignoring the point she was making. I merely responded that I agreed her, and then recalled your other rabid postings to jog our memories of who you are - and with that knowledge... <flick> you are just a fly in a cow pattie.
  3. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Yes and you are the cow pattie, lol. Let's all sling some more mud. And pls reread...I didn't ignore the point she was trying to make with her misquote, I told her directly that I was not guilty of any of the charges, nor am I at all close to the situation except that I happen to have a teen, and so being around teens quite a bit I know they can be silly, stupid, and short sighted by definition, and a little understanding was in order. I also think the OP was being very spiteful...the punishment did not fit the "crime" and that it was not very neighborly to call the police for something like this, as well as it being a waste of tax money and resources. Maybe you don't understand the usage of the (mis)quote?? Now pls get off my back, since you're not the OP whose question I answered. Thx.:lol:


  4. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    I think more less its called prevention, this time it was a harmless joke yes. Next time it could hurt someone or even worse kill them. I was a teen did some stupid stuff in my lifetime this does not make it right by any stretch of the imagination!

    Carry On
  5. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Never said it was "right"...said it was mishandled...extremely. Next time it could be a baby in a baby stroller left there by a preschooler...only difference is that it won't end up on Youtube, although kids are mastering computers at younger and younger ages every year :lol:. Toys are left in the street quite a bit in our neighborhood. Hope people are always on the lookout for toys/kids in the road. Maybe I'll try 9-1-1 next time I have to drive around an abandoned bike.
  6. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    You do that and let me know how far that gets ya... and to say it wouldnt end up on youtube is a big assumption as most things good or bad end up there!
  7. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    so what's the outcome of this? what have the police done?
  8. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    pacified the person that reported it by taking names and locations.
  9. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    wow did this thread get crazy or what:lol::lol:
  10. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    and the surprise factor why?

  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    you got that right:lol::lol:
  12. Tangerine

    Tangerine Well-Known Member

    that's what i figured.
  13. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member


    They are on the look out for any suspicious looking strollers.
  14. nsanemom22

    nsanemom22 Well-Known Member

    And monkeys.
  15. nevilock

    nevilock Well-Known Member

    this man:
  16. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member


    love me some nevi
    love me some insane
  17. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

  18. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

  19. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member


  20. momof3grls

    momof3grls Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 11, 2009

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