Sorry for another church question - need your opinion

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by crazymom2girls, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. As some of you know, my hubby and I have been on a church hunt. I think we've narrowed it down (yes, after all this time) to two that we really like. One is a Methodist and the other a Baptist. I believe everything in the Baptist denomination/doctrine except I've never been able to agree with women not being able to teach men or be pastors. I know the verses that Baptists point out as to why they believe that way. I also know that I have learned so much women preachers such as Joyce Meyer. I've seen verses that support men and women both being disciples. I know that the Methodist church does ordain women as pastors. I do NOT want to get into a debate about women's roles in church. My question is not whether or not you think women should preach, but would that one difference keep you from going to a Baptist church if you loved everything else about it and hold the same beliefs otherwise? Would it be that important to you? Or could you go to the Baptist church and not dwell on that aspect? Just curious what yall think.
  2. Luvgoose1

    Luvgoose1 Well-Known Member

    IMHO it wouldn't matter. I would choose my church based on what I feel I can learn, the fellowship, pastor and what the church does to contribute to the community. I choose not to worry about the politics within a church but focus on the real reasons for being there.
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i think it all boils down to how strongly you feel about it. Some Baptist churches do have the wife of the preacher speaking sometimes though. Hard one to call, looks like a decision only you can make for yourself - good luck:grouphug:
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Those things that you disagree with about Baptists are not the standard with all baptists. There are many different kinds of baptists. There are First Baptists, Southern Baptists, Original Free Will Baptists, Pentecostal Free Will Baptists, etc. I grew up in a small community town going to a FWB church. While the ministers were always men, there were women teachers.

    I've been to a Methodist church, as well. Little too formal for my tastes, but not an unpleasurable experience. I've heard it said that Methodists and Presbyterians are about as close to being Catholic as a Protestant could get.

    One other thing, too. Baptists typically let out sooner on Sunday to spitefully beat the Methodists to the Sizzler. :jester: <You can just fill in your local favorite restaurant here.>
  5. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I was raised Presbyterian, and yes, it can be very formal. I like that though. I don't want to feel like I am at a rock concert. 8)
  6. I actually really like the Methodist church we visited. The music is traditional, but the preaching is solid and Biblical and just like any Baptist preacher I've heard. I've always avoided Methodists churches because I thought they might be too formal, but not all are the same. Now, I realize that's not really the case. All churches, regardless of denomination, are so different! I don't mind the rock concert churches, but my husband doesn't like them so I'm willing to go to a more traditional church. I'm sorry I wasn't specific about the Baptist church I was talking about before- It's the Southern Baptists I was talking about. I'm just glad that I'm having the problem of choosing between really good churches than the problem of not finding one at all! There's something about the people in the 40/42 area. They are so nice! I love living here. :)
  7. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Go with your gut and what you really feel deep down in the heart...if it means that much to you on the women being able to be in those higher positions have you actually had a discussion on this with the Pastor???

    Its good that you seem to be truly wanting to find a Church to become involved with.. Good Luck with your search... seek to thy Lord for guidance in the search.

  8. I honestly believe God would want us to serve at either church. All these different denominations have minor differences. I did talk to the pastor at the Methodist church. He was great. He said that they are not about denominational differences, they just focus on Jesus. So, I really think we'd be good at either. I used to be a member of a Baptist church and I loved it, but when a group from the church wanted to get together and go see Joyce Meyer in Greensboro, he said he would not approve it because she's a Pentecostal and a woman. I'm not saying he's representative of all Baptist pastors, but that kind of upset me. I thought, for pete's sake, we are going to learn more about God. We're not going to a Satan worship convention!! I guess I'd have to talk to the pastor of the Baptist church and see where he stands. Thanks Seabee - by the way - did you see me at the beach a few weeks ago? I looked for you. Were you in the thong? :jester:
  9. shygrrl

    shygrrl Well-Known Member

    We go to a FreeWill Baptist church and I really enjoy it. We do Bible studies and read books by Beth Moore, etc. I think unless you WANT a female minister it probably won't matter.
  10. That makes sense. No, I don't care if it's a man or woman. I just didn't know if it would be wrong to go to a church that believes one thing and I believe another on that one issue. Thank all of you for your help. I'm thinking that it won't matter which one we choose now. The essential beliefs are the same which is what really matters I guess.
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    A thong???? LOL no... a speedo... with my swimming cap... :jester::jester:

    It depended what beach you were at.... 8)8)
  12. HomeGirl

    HomeGirl Well-Known Member

    Stop searching but keep believing!!! I can relate to your situation since my family and I went on the "Great Church Search" just a few years ago ourselves. It would have made a great reality TV show!!!

    Though a church is made up of a body of people that have a "main" belief in common, the individuals within the group may have different viewpoints regarding anything from church business, Bible translation, leadership, music, on and on, etc. In fact, if we were all publicly honest here, I don't think you would find a church congretation, that other than their "main" belief, would truly "believe" in the exact same way or manner on every topic, all of the time.... except for that one church we visited, hum, what was the name??? Oh yea, the "Big Brother Church" where HOH stands for "Hypocrites Observe Holiness". :)

    I personally think a lot can be learned in church from hearing and discussing ideals that are honest and "debatable" whether anyone changes their mind or not, and probably why I love the saying "Faith is not what you Know...It's what you Believe!"

    So if it makes you feel any better, remember this:
    Church members adjoin a group of people with similar beliefs... and I think the key word to note there is "similar". Kaci was right about this being a personal choice for you and if the woman preaching concept is bothering YOU, then you probably have made your choice already.... if you are just worried about what others would think about YOUR concept, then don't worry any more and join the church that YOU are "comfortable" in being YOUR true self. Just know that where ever you decide to attend there will always be "something"....whether humbly stated or not....
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    As a general rule, women are crazy and unstable and therefore cause problems in the workplace. This is true even as a minister. If I could only cook....

    Oh, and I'm pretty sure I just decided I can't come on Friday.:lol:
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009

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