A few days ago my Siberian Huskey named Boosa--white some black and beautiful blue eyes disappeared. he has never stayed gone a whole day, now I do not think it is a coincidence my Cocker Spaniel JACK is missing. He was last seen Friday on the porch like always 08-21-09. I went to look for Boosa down all rds. off of Powhatan to discover Jack missing. If you have any information or think you have seen them please call me 524-9525. Last Seen on Powhatan Rd. Wilsons Mills (Clayton)
I am the animal control officer for Clayton. I have not picked them up, but you def. need to check the SPCA in Clayton as well as the Joco Animal Shelter. I would also contact the area veterinarians and put up signs. Craigslist works well too. My mother's dog got missing in Clayton and ended up in Angier..via someone putting her in their car. They saw the add on CL 3 weeks after she got missing. I will keep my eyes and ears open for your babies. ALSO....It is heat seaon...if they are not neutered, then they could travel a great distance. Put signs up at all the grocery stores and expand your search area! SPCA 553-3749 Joco 934-8474 JCAPL 989-7601
Found Cocker Spaniel Thanks to everyone I did locate Jack ( the Cocker) But still missing BOOSA___Male blue eyed siberian Huskey any info please call me 524-9525 Thanks!: