Ingenious!!!!! The next best thing to pet salvation in a Post Rapture World
perhaps it was because your brain was still a little clouded from the visit to CDH with us on Friday. :jester:
and i actually only had 4 real drinks between 1:30 and 10pm, i drank a lot of Diet Pepsi in between - there was no way i could drink that entire time:lol::lol:
What a scam, but I have to give it to them for their creativity. I've heard that all dogs go to heaven, so if you are an athiest and have a dog, just give me $100 and I'll take care of your dog in heaven for eternity. lol
What is that old saying? A fool and his money are soon parted. Anyone stupid enough to sign up for that deserves to be lighter in the wallet. 8)
How did you make that determination? Personally I think it is a great idea, If they honestly mean it though I would think that a $500 up front charge would be more reasonable with some protections through an accounting firm to make sure the money doesn't just get ****ed through. I am an agnostic, but according to most Christians I am not going to "Heaven" so a NC branch might make sense. The reason for the $500 is I am an agnostic, I will give you the benefit of the doubt that it might happen and I will feed your pets.