I think we need a few more little ceaser's threads, just like Applebee's, so here goes. Are the cardboard boxes made of recycled materials?
I did a search for little ceaser's, sorry! It came up with nothing. maybe I searched the wrong forum. Do you have to be a A**all of the time.
Now, now.............there has only been one or two threads on Little Ceasars. Some of us don't live on here, ya know. :jester:
I think more important question is, if they are not green, will you still eat at little ceaser's? I would have to answer that with a yes. I used to eat that pizza when I lived up North all the time when going to college, it was good to me back then, but it was also cheap. So I am not sure maybe my taste has changed since back then. I will give it a try when the new one in Clayton opens.
Technically, if you care about recycling cardboard you shouldn't eat pizza. Pizza boxes cannot be recycled.