Shoot, I'd call AND post the name here but I am biatchy like that. I raised heck once because my son's bus driver was on the phone as she blew by my house.
Doesn't texting take two hands not to mention looking at the screen the whole time??? At least on my phone I can use the voice dial and don't have to take my eyes off the road to look down and dial or go through my contacts. And maybe I have insanely fat fingers, but those buttons are ridiculously small on a Blackberry and I have not memorized where the letters are on the keypad so you will NEVER find me texting on the road. Even at a stoplight I don't think I could pull off more than and "ok" or "hi". :lol:
I can text with one hand, but not while I'm driving. I think it should be against the law to use a phone, period, while driving a school bus or a day care vehicle carrying children. Carry your cell phone in case of emergency, sure, but get off the road if you have to use it. And if somebody calls you, guess what? You don't have to answer! That's what voice mail is for! Dang, people, your first responsibility is to those kids you're hauling around.
bad drivers yep, its pretty bad out there. the other day i was driving my daycare bus full of kids and some crazy person kept speedin' up, slowin' down, weavin' right along side of me, just starin' at me - nearly hit me... i like drivin in raleigh better, at least you know what u dealin' with there...
My biggest driving pet peeve is left turning lanes and those who use them as entrance or "on" ramps. When I want to turn left into a business, my hope is to have a smooth transition to the left turning lane, to prevent an accident behind me. When there is someone IN the left turning lane, cruising down it trying to enter the highway, that's even more dangerous. I have never understood it. I cannot count how many times I've encountered this very situation and nearly rammed someone. And of course there's the ones that slide into the left turning lanes and STOP with their right turn signal on to get in the lane in front of you....and they're right where you need to be. I do wish people would pay more attention in these situations. I know it's illegal to use those turning lanes for anything but what they're intended for, but I never see anyone being warned or stopped by the authorities. I know I've shown them a "sign" or two. LOL! :twisted:
Related to that last post yet totally different! Why do people feel the need to stop at the bottom of an escalator? Almost gave a woman and her mother anal sex, unintentionally, today.
Why can't people understand the concept of merging onto the interstate? Nearly every time I get behind the fool who goes down the acceleration ramp at 40 mph and barely get into traffic forcing everyone in the lane to slow to that speed and leaving everyone on the acceleration ramp no where to go.
Or they stop. Even more annoying are the ones who will jump into the acceleration lane to pass and cause heavy braking when they force their way back in after the lane has ended.
To build on this thought why is it people aren't following the law that requires traffic to move over to allow those merging to safely do so and get up to speed, which would also allow all of those behind a timid driver to pass them. And what about the law about using headlights when you have your windshield wipers on? The State needs money? start enforcing the laws that have been passed and there would be money for all kinds of road projects and the roads would safer, win win.
Nobody uses their cruise on busy stretches of interstate because only the slowest drivers can get by with it. You have too much variation in speed. You'll have some running 65, others that want to drive 68 to 70. Still others that like then 9-10 over and then some that are pushing 15+. All, but those that drive right at the speed limit are going to have to pass slower drivers. The biggest problem mostly that creates added danger is those that clog up the passing lane driving the speed limit or feel privileged to drive in it even with faster traffic overtaking them. This in turn, exacerbates the situation, causing those already driving faster than the speed limit to begin changing lanes or tailgating and creates aggressiveness in their driving. The first thing we need to do as motorists is not be so judgmental of others and concentrate more on being courteous. Courteous drivers seem to be the safest, because quite often they are also the most alert.
True what you said up top, but I also pass the SAME TWO cars all the way down the interstate while using my cruise control, which leads me to believe that there are a lot of folks that can't hold a speed. Left lane drivers get on my nerves, too.
On Friday I watched a woman fold clothes, and put some on hangers, while driving down the road. She then proceeded to place the stack of neatly folded laundry safely into her back passenger seat. All while driving with her knees(?) and swerving from lane to lane. On Sunday I saw a guy riding a crotch rocket with his legs hanging over the front of the handlebars. I don't have the slightest problem with these idiots killing themselves off (natural selection), but I do have a problem with them killing innocent bystanders (which is usually the case).
That's funny. You blame the people driving in the left lane to start out with, then you say we should not be judgemental of others. :jester: