I am trying to plan a party and need a location in Wilson or Clayton to have it. There will be a lot of family members coming from down east so that's why I thought Wilson but open to suggestions. Any thoughts?
That big house on Main Street near the library in Clayton. Wagner or something like that. 28 hours to kick off
Think so, or further down the street is McCall's....particularly great place if your guests are flying in.....
The Wagner is beautiful but very pricey. Right near there (across the street from the library) is the Clayton Women's Club. It holds 100 and rental is about that. U can google it to find out more info.
I went to a wedding rehearsal dinner at IBX (Inner Banks Restaurant) in Wilson. It was probably 50 people. IBX Restaurant has like cafe/lunch food but also sells gourmet food. Has a separate seating area.
The Womens Club!!!! Thanks PG!! I had all but given up on anywhere in Clayton! I have emailed the lady in charge of that and it is actually cheaper than my original plan! WOO-HOO-cross your fingers that it's available and thanks again. If that falls through, I will check on the place in Wilson Quincy. THANKS!
It has a really pretty gazebo outside that would be great for family pictures. Glad to help. Hope it works out for u. Ms. Blackley who owns Blackley's Printing on Main street is the one I spoke with.
I'm not a member nor do I live in Clayton. When DH and I got married we checked into that place as a reception site. It wasn't big enough for all our guest but it was very pretty. No hidden agenda here.