Your Thoughts on Homework

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by HomeGirl, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. HomeGirl

    HomeGirl Well-Known Member

    Because of an earlier thread, I am curious to know what parent's think about school homework these days. (We already know what the kids think about it). :)

    No matter the grade or age, I generally think homework should be left for work that could not be completed in class or for projects that take some time, require family input or materials from home (like photos etc.) and so on.

    With church, events, sports, etc., it seems that "busy" homework is keeping many adults busier than the child/ren. I think that parents/guardians should not hold the school system (including teachers) responsible for how their child/ren spend their time at home and should not believe that school homework is to keep them busy or occupied whether the parent is not home yet or is home with them. (Give the child some chores or "home" responsibilities to keep them busy after school).

    If a child needs extra "help" outside of the classroom, then keep it just that...outside of the classroom because extra homework does not necessarily produce the "help" the child may need.

    I'm not suggesting that all homework is bad...I just think the concept needs to be fine-tuned like most areas of today's lifestyles. What are your thoughts?

    PS: ...and no, I'm not employed by the school system nor married to a school teacher (though I do consider myself one of my childrens' "teachers").
  2. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Perhaps that is why NC is middle (23rd according to this site ) of the road as far as education goes instead of in the top teir, especially since we have some of the finer higher level educational schools in the country.

  3. HomeGirl

    HomeGirl Well-Known Member

    By a word in your response (I high-lited in red above) I figure you must have gone to school in NC and played sports....I know, I know! "TYPO"! But I just had to tease you a little....:jester:
  4. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

  5. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    I'm all for homework.......I grew up having homework and don't see what the issue is....

    School is more important than any sport,event, or other function the parents may have planned. My kids homework helps keep me on track of what they are learning each day. Most of the time it gets me to thinking.....
    Just the other day my son had Math......anyone remember "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally".......
    (Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiply and Divide from left to right, and finally, Add and Subtract from left to right.)
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2009
  6. Crysta

    Crysta Guest

    I'm all for homework. Kids need to learn how to balance school and activities, just like we have to balance work and home life. I understand that they need to be able to be kids, but what good is school if they are unprepared for the time and work involved in succeeding at college and work? Also, they may be learning the concepts in class, but they need to be taking the time to practice and reinforce what they are learning, hense the point of homework. I'll agree that some teachers go overboard, but for the most part I believe that kids should have a reasonable amount of homework each night. Ours doesn't get homework on the weekends, but we make her do extra work and read every day anyway. And we still find time for sports and activities and fun family time.
  7. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

  8. markfnc

    markfnc Well-Known Member

    Everyone moans about homework, but then also moan about how our scores are so much worse than the other industiral countries, and how NC is middle of the road in the country. The other countries and states do more homework on avg i bet.

    3rd grader is about 2 hours a night. Then we make him do more extra math, and spelling then read before bed. he still has time for whatever sport is happening at the time, and some play time.
  9. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member's part of life. I have two boys in 7th grade, so we have had lots of homework and have lots to look forward to.

    My take on it is this. Homework is given, so it has to be done. It's like a rule, it has to be followed. Nothing else happens till its done. So, if my kids can't do sports and get good grades, guess what? sports go bye-bye. period. I take it seriously, and so do they. I don't think the teachers give them anything they can't handle. I help my kids with their homework, but it's very rare. They know it's theirs, not mine. I don't do it for them. I do check it over and help study for tests. That's the extent.

    What I mostly think is a lot of parents think they have to do the homework for the child instead of letting the child do their own homework, so they (the parents) feel pressured and inconvenienced. Another sign of the 'gimme-gimme-gotta-have-it-all-spoiled- kids-entitlement society that our generation are bringing up, in my opinion. :roll:
  10. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: with all that you say, I call that the Queen mentality (I want it all, and I want it now!) I've got an 8th grader that's on the FB team, plays baseball, is in the band and in Scouts, and homework gets done before anything else, well except FB since that's directly after school. My 3rd grader is the same way, not as involved in as many things, volley ball twice a week, but her homework is completed before VB. It's one of those things, a neccesary evil, we all had homework growing up, and I think we all grew up fine :)
  11. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's a necessary evil. 8) But yeah, sometimes it a PITB to get it done and have other activites such as sports, scouts, etc when he doesn't even get off the bus til 4:30. We've managed so far though.
  12. JustAnotherMom

    JustAnotherMom Well-Known Member

    We're managing here as well :) I spoke to his BB coach ahead of time and he's fine w/him not being able to make it to practice or be late if his HW isnt done, which is what happened last night, we're managing :) Hey, if nothing else, being busy keeps him out of trouble, LOL
  13. MomNC3

    MomNC3 Guest

    Homework takes away from Family time

    and I am sick of it.... My kids get home @ 430 Homework for 1 hour or more, then chores i.e. clothes for the next day, making their lunch, bath, clean their rooms, dinner... by then its like 730 and that gives an hour or so before they need to lay down (because they have been going since 5am for my oldest and 630am for my youngest 2) and sleep between 9 and 10... that extra hour would be great for us to spend time together...:?:
  14. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    That's why we have the weekends......Relax all you want and be lazy are our weekends!
  15. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    Mind works faster than the fingers......had the same issue in school when I was learning computer programming. Mind would get 3-4 lines of program ahead of where I was typing. As for the sports.....not many considered being on the golf team sports.

    I was the dork in geek, played golf, and earned Eagle Scout in 3 years and the 3 palms that go with it shortly after for homework I usually did it in class and honestly didn't take books home with me....and did just enough to get by with a B-C average with the occasional A thrown in depending on if the class was an interest to me.
  16. MomNC3

    MomNC3 Guest


  17. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    home school???
  18. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    :iagree: its called balance you may not agree but if you are helping your kids or reading with your kids that is time well spent no matter if its homework or not!
  19. turtlepits

    turtlepits Well-Known Member

    You must be with stupid....ALL CAPS.....cause if you can't make time in the week, just because there is homework..... you must have more issues at hand. Be careful there wise one!
  20. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    I'll weigh in on this and throw cheers to Craig for hitting the sweet spot. I've heard too many parents complain that with homework, their child does not have time for sports, cheering...(insert your choice here).

    Yet some of these same parents decry having a doctor who has a foreign name. I've heard their consternation at having kids with foreign sounding names as the valedictorians and salutatorians, as if the recognition was somehow rigged against their kids.

    I growl at the legislature which funds the university system at a higher rate, and reduces the university funding at a lower rate, than they do for K-12. This is unreasonable in that, unless our children are educated, there is little point in having the university system. Ditto for granting trying to attract high tech jobs (which I'm all for) except that those jobs need a well educated work force, and cutting funding in the K-12 system reduces the probability that the work force will be educated to the needs of high tech industry.

    FWIW, I also think that out of state student athletes at state supported institutions should be given scholarships at the in state rate, and requiring booster clubs or other interested parties pay the difference between the instate rate and the out of state rate. Unless the athlete is a resident of NC, neither he nor she should receive a gift courtesy of NC taxpayers.

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