Daschund puppies?

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Jester, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    My son has his heart set on a Daschund puppy for his first dog. If anyone knows of some for sale or someone who might be expecting a litter soon, please let me know.
  2. ebabe 1216

    ebabe 1216 Well-Known Member

    doxies are great little dogs, However they are diggers, just a warning and very strong willed, just be prepared to watch them , my moms doxie chewed the lamp chord and got quite a jolt thankfully no real dammage was done to the dog, her back yard had tons of holes and every time she filled one in she dug another they are earth dogs so it's in their nature. Nicki also "dug" holes in the carpeting under 2 beds, and the corners of the steps. Also they are prone to back injuries so you have to watch when kids are picking them up and they can get hurt jumping off a bed, they are great lovable dogs but I did want you to know the not so great things,Just to prepare you. Sometimes kids pick the dogs that might not be best for your family, With any dog do research on the breed of your choice so you know what you can expect. Good luck with your new puppy! Dogs are the best!!!! :)
  3. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member


    I'm sure you can find on Petfinders.com & perhaps rescue one (yep - even a pup) instead of buying one.....

    Or google for a dachsund rescue in NC to see if anything appears....
  4. carolinasun

    carolinasun Well-Known Member

    I like the long haired Dachunds... I see many of them around I will find one for you.. The younger the better, it's easier to train them young before they get bad habits... BYE!:hurray:
  5. carolinasun

    carolinasun Well-Known Member

    If you want a Daschund that is not purebred, it's black. Call Jessica at 352-
    0522 and leave a message.
  6. Sassygurl81

    Sassygurl81 Well-Known Member

    My dachshund may be expecting puppies soon. We think she is pregnant but not for sure yet. We actually just adopted our Male to another family. We think he got to her first though since she was in heat. I am not a breeder and after she has puppies we are going to get her fixed. I guess we just didn't do it soon enough.
  7. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    We're not looking to buy right now necessarily. We thought we may look at the puppy as a surprise birthday present which is in November. He's of the mindset that he wants one of the traditional rusty red color Daschunds, but he may change his mind. I do like the black/red color of the one in your avatar, Sassygurl81.

    I appreciate all the info and advice. We will take all to heart and consider. If there is anything else to share by anybody, please feel free.
  8. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    We've had some family members with them. Cute dogs. What I have seen though is that they tend to be kind of "one-person" dogs. Probably not all of them, but the ones I have seen were like that. May be a training issue though. And they dig...............a lot! :lol: Did I mention they dig?? A LOT!! :jester:
  9. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Well, I do know they are fiesty little boogers! I had one try to take me out while out on my morning walk just last week. I thought my ankles were goners.
  10. ebabe 1216

    ebabe 1216 Well-Known Member

    My moms dog (she was mine first but I couldn't handle her and a baby........I wasn't thinking I got a pup without thinking thats never a good idea) She liked the kids mine and the neighborhood ones as a pup, my daughter she was like 18 months maybe kept locking her in the crate each time she didn't want anymore kid time, and my daughter kept picking her up, i was scared she would drop her, so called my mom. Thankfully she took her after she was like 9 months old did prefer my mom to anyone else, would run from my kids, they never hurt her they just always wanted to pick her up and pet her, she would rather chase squirells and birds , and DIG HOLES, be prepared not to have a nice yard and even if its fenced wath your Doxie, they are good at escaping. I guess what I am trying to say is, Consider they yard you have, will you mind it being torn up , Forget about flower beds they are perfect digging areas, even low planter boxes. You won't be able to train your dog not to dig it's what they were bred to do , hunt burrowing critters they are truely "earth dogs" Also depending on what age your child is the dog may not choose to play with him so you might want to consider that. I also recomend shelters where you can get a dog that needs a home even puppies I have pure bred dogs and Mixed breeds and neither is better than the other, all have pros, and cons, but my personal experiance with Doxies is there are much better "family" dogs out there that would love to play with your son. Good luck, please let us all know what you wind up with, Dogs are the best! I love mine unconditionaly and they give me so much Love and Joy!:lol:

    I would post a picture of my babies but each time i click the insert picture button all i get is that stupid "ding" noise.:evil:
  11. Slate

    Slate Well-Known Member

    We have a red short haired doxie. He is the sweetest little guy, but tears up and/or humps every bed we buy for him. :confused:

    We call him a little "furricane" because he runs in circles when he needs to go out or if he sees his leash.
  12. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    My reddish Doxie has just turned 6 & he is a real sweetie. George is a sort of rescue cause my sister bought him for $400 from her sister-in law breeder but promised to give him back if for some reason they could not handle him. About 6 months later, they gave back to breeder because they travel alot. Then 4 years later, my sister says breeder is retiring & moving & do I want George. I said Yes because I fell in love with him as soon as I met him. Long story short, we have had him for 1 1/2 years & he is like our baby. Love my George.
  13. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

  14. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

  15. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    She is adorable. I asked my son what he thought but he wants a "boy dog." Of course, I noticed she is not full-blooded. Nothing wrong with that, but he really wants a true Daschund, preferrably red short-haired.
  16. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Well, we've got ourselves a pup...however, we did not go with a Daschund. He fell in love with a tri-colored bassett hound and it seems we made the right decision. The dog actually picked him out with attentiveness, a wagging tail and an upheld paw. It was just one of those bonds that seems right. Hopefully, it was the right choice.
  17. aprilt01

    aprilt01 Well-Known Member

    Hey Jester - can I ask you where you found your Bassett? We are thinking of getting our little girl a puppy.

  18. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    PM'ed ya.

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