Women-Folk, Facebook, Ex's, and What Not

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Redneck Rich, Sep 8, 2009.

  1. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    This mornin’ I got me a friend request on the Facebook from my Ex-wife talking bout “hey, I been wonderin how you are doing” and mess.

    Now me and her didn’t last too long; only three or four months. She said I had some real issues to work out and hers and my style of living was a little too different for her liking. Little stuff like she likes to take her kid to the park and I let mine swim in the drainage ditch.

    Our first argument involved whether or not the dog should eat from the table; regardless of how good his manners are. Then she had a problem with me cleaning my ears in public. She said that if I must clean my ears that I should be polite enough to use my own set of car keys and not hers.

    Well if you ask me, she needed to work on some stuff too. I mean, even though we're havin' a romantic morning fishing I still expect you to bait your own hook and spit in your own bottle, thank you. She didn’t even appreciate the chrome footprint gas pedal that I installed in her Honda Civic for her birthday, imagine that!

    Our last real fuss was during a funeral for her co-worker’s papa. During the procession I ran out of gas because I kept spinning tires and “horsing around” as she called it. But I think the last straw was when I sent her out with the gas can and asked her to bring me back a Dr Pepper too. I aint seen her since.

    Now I aint the smartest feller in the park… I mean fifth grade was the best four years of my life… But I am smart enough to know that I ain’t accepting her friend request.
  2. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    If she won't bait her own hook avoid her like the plague. And let's not even talk about that Japanese car she's driving. Bad news.......block her, block her real good...
  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Rich you are just too much! You crack me up with every post you make. I swear someday we're gonna run into each other at a family reunion :jester:
  4. HomeGirl

    HomeGirl Well-Known Member

    Cuz, beware!!! She's not a wonderin about you...she's wonderin about "your mess". Like that mobile mansion we all seen you a eye'n just the other day on here. Sounds like she mighta lived with the hole and now wonderin about gettin her half! It's hard to hide from facebook spys and that there internet's eye....So, bury watcha got now and don't give up nuttin! Let her get her own spitoon! Take good care now, ya hear!
  5. carolinasun

    carolinasun Well-Known Member

    Hey Bud, you'd be a good partner for LARRY THE CABLE GUY. You might show him up!!! Just a thought......... :cheers:
  6. jjganny

    jjganny Well-Known Member

    She probably wants to keep a eye open on you to see what you Have been doing. She may also want to diss you. I do not accept many requests on facebook & the only ex I have has passed.
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  8. Redneck Rich

    Redneck Rich Well-Known Member

    Well, one thing I did find interesting was I got a good look at her profile picture. Shew dawgie, she done got big over the last couple years! I mean so big that it took ten minutes to upload her photo, then I started getting pop-ups and ads about weight loss supplements... reckon the internet figured I'd pass the word on to her I guess.

    Now she reminds me of this chick who was stalkin me years ago on a online dating site. Here’s the real 411 for the inquiring minds out there. First off, the only photo she had was from her Jr Prom, back when she was… let’s say a welterweight… now she’s hitting in the BIG leagues.

    I know I’m no real skinny guy but at least I had the nerve to be honest and forthcoming about it!

    Oh yeah, and long walks on the beach? Forget about it! Try a few sweaty footsteps along the shore and then a mad dash to the dipping-dots vendor. Turns out the only thing she liked to do outside was walk from the car to the restaurant.

    Oh well... I reckon I'll just deny her request and leave the explainin' for later.
  9. seabee

    seabee Guest

  10. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Rich, you totally crack me up, thanks for the laughs:lol::lol::lol:
  11. seabee

    seabee Guest

    10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Damn all 10's..... :cheers::cheers::cheers:
  12. seabee

    seabee Guest


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