DH's birthday is coming up in a couple of months and I want to get the yard decorated in those flamingos or cows that I have seen in others yards. There is a company that does this, but I have no idea how to find out who it is. Does anyone know who this is and have their phone number? Thanks in advance!
Thanks Harley! I know you've always "got my back" FYI Seabee, I have the stripper part of his birthday taken care of but thanks for the suggestion - I'm already ahead of you on that one...you have to reserve early to get the "good ones" or if you wait till the last minute you get the skanks!
At the risk of being booted by Webbie, I will not post the first comment I thought of.... But no thanks, I will have to decline the generous offer of your pole. I already have one.
Uh... Um.... No thanks. Closing all the doors-front and back on this one before Webbie kicks us all out of the house. This discussion sounds more like talk on "the other side" Whatever happened to it? Outta here!
If you're interested I know the ladies who do the flocking for west johnston hs. All money raised goes to Relay for Life. They did this last year as a fund raiser and my family had so much fun flocking each other's yards!
OK, maybe I'm dense...What is "flocking a yard?" I'm looking for the company that puts the little pigs/cows/etc...in yards with a happy birthday sign. I've seen them all around, but have no idea who does them. I think next yard I see like that I will get bold and go knock on their door and ask them.
I don't know if it is one of those "monumental" birthdays or not, but I have a friend who bought halloween tombstones for the yard (after they went on clearance) and made a big sign that said something like "mourning of the loss of ***insert name here***'s youth" and it included the date that their youth "passed away"! Just another idea for you....Have Fun! :lol:
Pirate Girl, I would love to have their number. DH's Big 50 birthday is not till December but I want to get all my reservations made early and get everything lined up by early November. Please send me the contact info on the "flocking ladies" Many thanks!