Sounds like me.....except for the tall, thin part and I have brown eyes. OH CRAP, I transposed the numbers of his age.......NEVER MIND!!!
FYI DD worked at Lowes until recently. They will accept a return from anyone for anything! She said she couldn't believe how many people would come in with a 1/2 gallon of milk, mostly gone and then say it smelled funny. Or half or mostly eaten food. All kinds of excuses that were obviously not true. Their policy was to smile and refund and replace. Period. As for produce, I've had the same problem with strawberries too so don't buy any kind of berries very often.
girl I forgot, I saw him that very day....he is purty. yep. 8) call me if you need me to come git you outta jail.
I'm going there in a little while to reture a movie to the red box. I'll have to complain about something and see if comes to the rescue.:lol: