OK, so I researched all the threads and am interested in using some Borax just in case. We found 2 fleas yesterday. A dead one on the dog and a live one on DH, LOL. The dog is on Comfortis so I'm sure that is why there was a dead one. The dog promptly got a bath (at 10:30 at night :ack, and I didn't see anymore of them. I have a white cat, none on her, and none on the other one either, but she has such a dark coat, I'd never see them. Now, DH and the dog were running around in the neighbors yard yesterday (dog chasing the dern chickens) so I am fairly certain that's where they came from. Just in case, DH is treating OUR yard again today, all the animals got a dose of flea control on their necks and I am going to do a serious vacuuming this afternoon. I have the heebie jeebies. :lol: Anyway, how long do you leave the Borax on the carpet??? Critters will be contained elsewhere until it's vacuumed up with the Dyson.
when i did it, i put it down before going to bed at night and then vacuumed up first thing in the morning - worked great:hurray:
I have to second the Borax, if you have a clean rake, you can rake it in through the carpet so it spreads more evenly. OK, I'm more tired than I thought, I read this line 'Just in case, DH is treating OUR yard again today,' and I saw 'DH is getting a treatment today' ROFL
So how is you DH tolerating the Comfortis....??? i just want to know in case I need to put mine on that too. And the kids.. You can never be too safe. If he had been on it all along the flea you found on him would also be dead. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
LOL!! I have Berber carpet, so I can't rake it, but that was a good idea! Pepper, trust me, I thought of giving it to all of us, LOL. I can't stand the thought of fleas!! I think I am over-reacting, but better safe than sorry.
Borax is what I always recommend, too. We use a stiff broom to beat/brush it into the carpet, then leave it overnight. Vacuum up the next morning and repeat again the following night if you need to.