Church in School

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by VivianS, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Sassymom... alias Sharpmom... :cheers:
  2. sassymom

    sassymom Well-Known Member

    oh whatever slacker, I saw you where topped by PRM on my birthday wishes!!
  3. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    My kid came home about 3 years ago from his elementary school and said the same thing. I was surprised, but not appalled or upset. He didn't take one because he has his own, but I assumed the school knew they were there and would have to handle any negative feedback.

    I would rather he be in the assembly discussed on this thread than the pep rally fundraiser assembly he had last week! Baiting them with all kinds of food, prizes, money, dances, etc. to raise a small percentage for the school and a HUGE amount for the company. But that is another thread altogether!
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    Just asked my 8th grader if he said anything religious or spiritual in any way and he said that nothing was said at all. The only 'religious' reference was that he was doing the same presentation that evening at a local church if they wanted to come. (and that they were giving away Ipods!)
  5. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Ok.. I compliment... and you pull out the can of beat down on Seabee...

    correction: Wacko mom... :jester::jester:

    You did owe me that... :cheers:
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I don't even know what affiliation the speaker had, but the way I see it its a positive message (anti-drugs) with no mention of religion other than to leave an open invitation to hear more should the child's parents wish to bring him/her to a particular church. It is probably someone who travels around and the church is simply hosting the event.

    I was raised in Protestant church environment, but not strict in the sense that I had to attend every Sunday. I did go often, though. If that had been my son in the assembly and it was a Catholic speaker, Mormon speaker, Jewish speaker, Muslim speaker, or even an atheist speaker, it would not have mattered to me since it was worded the way it was by the accounts I've read thus far.

    Many people nowadays wince at even the slightest suggestion of religion in schools. We have to keep our kids from learning the Pledge of Allegance, avoid displaying religious symbols of faith, forbade the mentioning of God during school hours and frown on saying any sort of prayer for kids' safety during afterschool functions if its on school grounds. Soon events like 'the flagpole' will be banned, but nevermind if we wish to lift high praise to a political leader or discuss sex to elementary school students or teaching young kids to embrace something like homosexuality even if its against the will of the parents.

    However, I'd encourage any parent who feels that such an assembly is wrong to complain. That is their right to do so. However, I will say that I appreciate that this country still allows for private schools and home-based education, as well because IMO we are progressively becoming a nation that are too happy-go-lucky with some things and harshly responsive to others.
  7. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member


    these organized, non denominal -lets get the kids in the cult - type of churches that HIRE this guy to give these speechs all over to get kids to try and join.
    If it were my kid I would not let them go , and I would be at the school board the next day. Telling them wha tI think and hiring a lawyer the next.

    I believe in the pledge and minutes of silence to allow a child to observe whatever he or she wished. the term God is a lot of things to a lot of people. i am all for it. But these religious zealots who run around under the guise of being motovational speakers is BUNK.

    My daughter made that mistake once when she was in middle school and we did not know what the whole family christian thing was...FCA? They played in the gym for 15 minutes, had pizza and then got lectured on right and wrong religions. My child was teased and bullied after that at school because she was not the same denomination as the rest of them. I went down there. i talked to parents and trust me it stopped.

    i don't care if the message is positive or if everything is interesting. I talked to my kid. they knew it all long before and one else told them.
    it all starts with an upbeat, happy message. and then it's oh why don't you go to my church. .....

    dang right i am mistrustful.
  8. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Glad you encourage right to the First Amendment. Perhaps you'd also support rights to the 14th and its equal protection clause. As for taking advantage of the ability to chose a home based or private school, no thanks. For us, we'll attend the one our taxes help provide.

    I'm not against having God in schools. And I know that there's lots of praying going on, a lot by kids who didn't study and are asking for help on a test. There are teachers who pray a lot for their students. And, if done privately, I'm OK with it and appreciate their calling on every resource they can to enhance the likelihood of success.

    No one is trying to take away your child's Bible, even if they bring it to class. If they try to affect others with it, then they have crossed the line and it becomes impermissible.
  9. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    Ooooo....I know, I know...let's invite a drugged out thug to talk to our kids. That would be very positive. ::insert eye roll here::
  10. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Hell YES! ...but you don't have my kids!

    JK- you may now resume your previously scheduled intelligent discussion.
  11. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    Again - I'm sooooo glad I don't have kids :hurray:
  12. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    FCA is Fellowship of Christian Athletes and it sounds as if the leader of the program mentioned here was not a good one. No one should be teased and the club sponsor failed miserably if that is what occurred. I can certainly understand your feelings and hope you did make headway with the school. My son has enjoyed fellowship on Wednesdays at his school. It is not required nor should it be required. I do believe it should be offered as a choice.

    Students have all sorts of exposure at school, some in assemblies, some in the hallways, not all of it good. Do they still bring in the pregnant teens in the middle schools? How about Artists in the schools? See you at the pole? Are we to do away with everything for fear of offending someone? I don't know the best solution, but I would hate to see every single thing outside of books and tests taken away to be PC. Communication through ConnectEd could help with notification. Would that please everyone? NO. But, I am glad to hear so many involved parents and others on this board. It gives me hope that all is not quite lost in public education.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
  13. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    What in the world is that avatar? That is scary! And a vast departure from your previous picture. Are you okay??:shock:
  14. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    kinda looks like the poppy field from the Wizard of Oz..........
  15. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Apparently, you've not seen the Stanley Kubrick masterpiece, Full Metal Jacket, where the gifted actor Vincent D'onofrio played a USMC recruit that the DI, realistically played by R. Lee Ermey, USMC-Retired, nicknamed "Gomer Pyle."

    You should watch it, if for no other reason that it's a cinematic jewel, well acted, directed, and filmed.

    Prepare yourself for a severe "R" rated environment, which is as close to what the old "Boot Camp" at Parris Island was like.
  16. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your concern...I think I'm still operating within specified parameters.

    The avatar du jour is Vincent D'onfrio from Stanley Kubrick's 'Full Metal Jacket': His nickname in the flick was 'Gomer Pyle'.

    The quote is from 'The Dead Milkmen'.
  17. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    No, I haven't seen it, but I'll make a point to do so! I only know the sweet, goofy Gomer. Thanks for clearing that up!:)
  18. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Glad to hear you are okay! I thought you must have had one hell of a Monday!:jester: I'm gonna watch that flick this weekend!
  19. Gomer Pyle

    Gomer Pyle Well-Known Member

    OK, now I feel like 'Old Corps'! The boot camp part of FMJ was exactly like my experience (..but I was more 'cowboy' than 'John Wayne'!). Thanks for the ego boost- back to the topic...
  20. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    well stated, prm.

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