Sedation Dentistry...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by FrameMaMa, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    Anyone ever been sedated by a dentist for oral surgery?

    What was it like?
    Do you remember any of it?
    Are you really awake for it?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I have a bigger one...

    Anyone used Dr. Cusumano before?
    I am meeting him on Wednesday for a sedation consult, and to schedule my surgery...but I am really freaked...
    Those of you that know me know just how afraid I am of a dentist...
    it took MONTHS for me to make an appointment with Dr. R.....
    now I have to go somewhere else????

    What do you think about this surgeon?

    Thank you my friends...
  2. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    never saw Dr. C but i did do the sedation with Dr. R and i called them the "Mind Eraser" pills. Don't remember a thing of the whole surgery, it was great and i think you and i rank up there together for chicken of dentists:cheers:
  3. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    Don't know your dr., but when I had my wisdom teeth out years ago, I didn't know a thing about it. I was really scared, but it all went just fine. I was more worried about what I might say while out of it!!:mrgreen:

    It will be okay...over before you know it! Good luck!
  4. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I also had it when I had my wisdom teeth out. Definitely do not remember any of it, and I was OUT.

    Don't know that doctor, sorry.
  5. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    Doc Cusmano is terriffic. He is an oral surgeon for extractions and other work.
    i had the worlds longest extraction and he took care of it after another dentist actually gave up... no kidding. The first guy gave up after almost three hours of my sitting in the chair. Cusmano finished the job and without ever hurting me! I think he is very nice. He did kiddo's teeth too when we needed to make room. Great job no problems.

    Ahhhh........... One thing about that Sedation dentristy. They do erase your mind. your inhibitions, your sense of right and wrong, your ability to hold your tongue and say the proper thing, your ability on knowing where is the correct place to remove clothing, and you will forget how to sit on a sofa...PLEASE GO with someone you trust with your life...LOL

    oh it was quite a trip! I Forgot all about the dentist, I was fine one minute and stoned out of my mind the next. For exactly 12.75 hours. Woke up - looked u p from the chair asked husband what the He#% he was doing home and why the He^$ wasn't i at the dentist..I was late!!! To bad it was 10;30 PM...The last thing I remember before that was telling my girlfriend it was time to leave at 9:40 AM...
    i missed the whole day. According to my hubby, I argued with the folks at the dentist, tried to leave twice...before they were done,.cussed out a few folks, Began to disrobe in the car on the way home, ate soup that i usually hate, and sat in the recliner with my butt in the air for a half hour arguing that i was comfortable and that they all needed to leave me alone. And then when I did come to out of my fog - I really did jump up and say that I was late and had to leave...until I realized it was dark out.

    Never felt a thing, but i did send flowers to Doc and his assistants...I was "Difficult" - they thought I was hysterical though...
    When I went back for a check up...Doc R and the girls were still giggling at me, i think.
  6. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I don't know what has change since the late eighties when I had my four wisdom teeth cut out, but I will say whatever they gave me, it was strong. I did wake up once, the doctor said "open wider" and I remembered smiling and going back to sleep. The days afterward were a bit more uncomfortable than the actual procedure.
  7. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i baked them a cake:lol::lol::lol:
  8. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    He used to share space at Riccobene's.

    I've only met him once (not for dental work) :mrgreen:

    I'd go to Riccobene, *mind eraser* pills are AWESOME!!! I remember blow drying my hair before DH took me in and I was nekkid in bed when I woke up at home :lol::lol:
  9. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    See, now that is the kind of stuff I would probably do too...LMAO!...I told my hubby if he brought a video camera we would likely be laughing for years to come....he said he was going to send it to AFV...:lol:

    Harley, I would love to go to Dr. R. for this...but apparently the teeth they are going to have to dig for, they can't do...or don't want to do...

    I am getting the IV sedation, and the only part that kinda freaks me out, is I do NOT NOT NOT want to wake up in the middle of all this, or even come to....I want to be OUT!

    I think my husband will be able to keep my clothes on me...:lol:
    I hope...LOL
  10. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    you will be fine. You won't wake up mid procedure. I have a root canal that needs to be done, and Dr. McNeely (at Dr R.'s McGees office) can't do it, the roots are 'curled' so he has sent me out of their office to have it done. So it's not uncommon to be referred elsewhere. You will be taken care of and even better, your teeth issues will be fixed!! :hurray:
  11. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    I had my impacted wisdom teeth taken out at a place on Falls Of Neuse Road across from where the old Books-A-Million used to be. I can't remember the doc's name, but they gave me Valium and Demerol IV back then. Even though I came to briefly, I didn't feel a thing because they numb you, too. They did me anyway. However, with those IV mixes they do, you'll likely not even remember and even if you did, you wouldn't care one bit. I wouldn't let anxiety get the best of you. The worst part for me was the changing of the gauze and swelling, but even that wasn't that bad.

    I'll put my dental experiences into perspective like this. I've had braces, wisdom teeth removed, a root canal from an abcessed tooth and just the occasional fillings. Having the abcessed tooth was the worst pain I've ever had and within a few days it was relentless. The whole wisdom teeth extraction thing was a piece of cake next to that.
  12. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I like the sound of not remembering anything, and not caring if I do..:lol:

    I am so ready to finally get this all done and over with...I am so pitiful, the after pains, and swelling I can handle...sitting in that chair with the sounds and sights and smells...oh forget it, I can't handle that part...:ack:

    I go to see Dr. Cusumano tomorrow and then I will be scheduling the surgery from there...I have a tooth in the back that keeps cutting my tongue, so I am very ready to get this all over with...
  13. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    It's no biggie!! I was TERRIFIED of having mine out because DH had a horrible experience with the base dentist who did his while he was active duty. I'd also had 4 molars pulled to make room for braces as a teen and was entirely awake and aware for that torture. I did NOT want to be awake for my wisdom teeth and put it off for years. Had it done back in TN, he gave me something in the IV that was GREAT!! LOL. Gave me meds prior to help with brusing and swelling ( I bruise easy) and I had zero issues. No pain, ate steak the next day, I kid you not. One of the easiest procedures I've ever had done.

    Cusumano did some oral surgery for DH last year and although he wasn't crazy about his bedside manor, everything went fine.
  14. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I certainly hope that he has gotten better with his bedside manor...I can't stand doctor's that think they are all that and a bag of chips just because they have MD beside their name...
    Doctor's usually have one chance to be crappy with me before they are told where they can stick their instruments...
  15. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    I wouldn't worry about it, it was probably just DH's perception. :mrgreen:
  16. Sydney

    Sydney Well-Known Member

    Hope I am not too late in replying, but...

    Yes, Dr. Cusumano is great. I had wisdom teeth extractions (all four of them) done two years ago there. I don't know if the sedation that one of the other posters had is the same that I had ( I was just given an IV and fell asleep. I remember everything that happened before and after. I think I even remember being asleep? :eek: Lol!). He was pretty nice to me and my father. No, he wasn't the typical fake all-in-your-face-with-smiles friendly that you usually get at restaurants and such, but he was friendly enough for a professional, and that was alright with me. He was very informative and answered any questions and concerns that I had.
  17. FrameMaMa

    FrameMaMa Well-Known Member

    I do have to give major props to Dr. Cusumano...
    you're right, he is not fake and smiley, I liked that...
    He took the time to explain to me exactly what would happen and answered all my questions without making me feel dumb...

    So after all is said and done, I am scheduled for surgery on the 21st...
    I am nervous but ready to get it over with...
  18. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    If I could afford to have everything done to my teeth and be knocked out while it was done, I would be happy. I hate going to the dentist!!
  19. softballmom

    softballmom Well-Known Member

    He took out my daughter's wisdom teeth, with just shots, and had them out in seconds! I think he is fantastic. If I ever need that kind of work, he will do it.
  20. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I know this is an old thread but seeing if anyone has new info. Cusumano came highly recommended in this thread. Anyone have anyone else that does sedation dentistry? I am beyond TERRIFIED to go. You don't even want to know how long it has been since I've been to the dentist. Shameful, I know but the truth. I had horrible dentist experiences as a kid. One right after the other. Went to college & had yet another bad experience. I currently have an absessed tooth. I know I'll have to go in. I will have to be knocked out & they will most likely literally have to deal w/ the worst patient they have ever seen in their life. I have panic attacks so this will not help that scenario. It is all I can do to stay sane right now as I'm plagued w/ worry of what is to come. I discovered this absess last night. Never had one before. Not fun. Docs I can handle. Dentists are just torturers in my eyes. Does Dr. R do sedation??? Any info, confidence boosters, let me know. Did FrameMama do okay w/ her procedure on here? Any advice, let me know. No sarcasm, jokes, etc. please. Just really scared right now. Thanks for any insight you can give me.

    Stephanie--mom to 7

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