"The times they are a changin…"- Bob Dylan

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by jackie@clevelandsentinel, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. We're "Going Green"!‏

    After publishing each week for the last year, The Cleveland Sentinel will begin it’s original intention of becoming a more user-friendly and viable member of our community.

    We will undertake a shift and begin to concentrate more on our website www.clevelandsentinel.com- where we plan to host newscasts, video feature stories and other exciting things still in the works. The "paper" will be on hiatus until Oct. 21 when it will begin to be published the third week of each month. This will allow us to increase the size, circulation and return to our beginnings when we mailed a majority of our newspapers directly to homes for free.

    Most news organizations have seen a significant drop in advertising revenue, and it is important that area local businesses really get their money’s worth from their efforts to support our free media. We thank all our advertisers for their investment over the past year - and think our changes will be even more productive and beneficial to your struggles in this economy. By reaching more people with a stronger product - readers and advertisers can benefit alike.

    Our website currently enjoys more "readership" than our newspaper - which tells us one thing: a lot of people would rather receive their news and information in that format than on paper. So, to use the tired cliché, we’ll do our part to "go green" and publish less often. We like trees.

    With more local video, regular newscasts and photos - the website will be your destination to stay current. We will update the website more often, and you’ll see even more local coverage than ever.
    We also recognize that some people just enjoy the feel of a newspaper in their hands. We’re sticking with you, because we like that, too. Don’t give up on your scrapbooks, we’ll still highlight your activities, organizations, human interest and local news. We will also offer an e-mail subscription for free where you will receive the newspaper in PDF format each week and can read it, print it, and have the same "feel" as the old newspaper from your own computer.

    As we make this transition, we will adjust our advertising prices, and create even more value…we’re here for the long haul, and we’re here to help.

    Ted Atchley/Publisher/clevelandnews@live.com
    Jackie Franklin/Operations Mgr./clevelandclass@live.com

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2009
  2. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    my dog looked forward to that fishwrap a few years ago
  3. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    Bookmarked - thanks

    Do you have a "sort of between Clayton and Archers Lodge Sentinel?
  4. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    howdy neighbor
  5. sorry you feel that way...

    our newspaper is for local residents who are interested in local features stories, community events and more local news. We do not "hit the beat" with negitive stories, political views or any late breaking news. We are dedicated to the community to provide residents with information that will help suppport the community, to recognize local citzens that have gone above and beyond, to report on upcoming events that would also support our local business that is vital to our local economy. We will be updating our website daily starting Oct.21st. Our printed newspaper is good and informative news in the Cleveland Community.

    on another note: if residents and other local business would support all business in our community we can stick together to not only make this a better community, but help eachother through these hard financial times. If you suppport bigger corporate business than you don't support your neighbor. For example, if your neighbor ran a restaurant and you ran a car lot don't you think you should buy a car from your neighbor and they eat at your restaurant and both parties would gain revenue that will support your schools, your fire departments, etc....

    something to think about
  6. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    We're on the 'right' side of 70.
  7. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

  8. Thank you for your interest-we cover four zip codes which are considered the Cleveland Community, Garner, Clayton, Benson (McGee's X-rds) and Willow Springs. We are a local community newspaper located right behind Food Lion @ 40/42
  9. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    Dear Negative Wulf,

    You're being an arse.

    Please be nice.


    Positive Jennifer
  10. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    He didn't say the dog hated it, he said the dog looked forward to it. I call that positive. ++++++ :lol:
  11. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    exactly....one man's paper is another man's toilet.
  12. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member


    However, you never know who you might be peeing on.

    Just a thought....
  13. and one man could be peeing on their neighbors kid that won a state championship or an elderly neighbor that has just celebrated their 100th birthday, more people should show support for their own community
  14. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    I'm not trying to hate on your parade and I agree with your message.
  15. by the way, we just started publishing Oct of 2008, you might have us confused with a corp. owned Cleveland newspaper. We are locally owned and operated (right behind Food Lion) with our first edition on Oct. 15th, 2008. Thanks for agreeing with our message and I hope you are able to check out our "fishpaper" sometime soon. Thanks
  16. GoWulfpack

    GoWulfpack Guest

    Well then I stand corrected.....it was a different fishwrap.
  17. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    Does it have coupons? :lol:
  18. Yes, we do have a Coupon Saver Section in each edition we publish. The next edition will be published on Oct. 21st and then monthly on the third week of each monthly thereafter. Thanks
  19. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Will it be giving 4042.com free advertising?
  20. seabee

    seabee Guest

    LOL... on your game...

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