John Edwards his wife his "planned" 2nd wife & his Fall Guy Andrew Young. Our Dear Gov. Bev. Jay Leno
Tom Cruise Paris Hilton Brittany Spears Kanye West Oprah Rev. Al Sharpton John and Kate Angelina and Brad Kardashians Pelosi Hugh Hefner's bimbos on Girl Next Door show on E.
Joe Jackson Sham Wow guy Jerry Springer Oprah David Letterman Jay Leno people who clear the shelves during doubles or triples :lol:
Not to highjack the thread but just saw an article in the Garner-Clayton paper that they are building a church in the Cleveland area.
Caffeine finally kicked in. I thought you were talking Joe Jackson the singer. Just realized its Joe Jackson. Michael's dad DOH
It's 90% done. on 1010, slight past Cornwallis, between Cornwallis and Dollar store. Why select them out for castigation. They're no different than any other group that is intolerant of beliefs other than their own.
Cause nobody else comes knocking on my door on Saturday mornings trying to get me in their church. Seems they would take note they were just there the previous weekend, and the weekend before that, and the one before that...........being told the same thing over and over and over...........BE GONE DEMONS AT MY DOOR!
HA HA HA !! The tattoos might scare them, not the body!! I have enough stalkers............thanks though!
People who don't signal. Heaven help, it's NOT that hard!! Give the rest of us a clue!! I have to go down Main Street Clayton at least twice a day if not more, every. single. time. someone pulls off without signaling. :banghead: